Economy of Italy

Petrochemical industry in Syracuse
Italy is one of the world’s most industrialized states, but is also the country’s impoverished South (the Mezzogiorno), the mafia and corruption is therefore a complex phenomenon of great contrasts.
Industrial activity has driven the development of Italy, and the current focus of its economy. Against this, agricultural activities have experienced a considerable decline in both occupancy funds of the active population (7.3 ), as its share of GDP (3.7 ). Agricultural production is not the demand for food supplies of the population, and is particularly low in the livestock industry: cattle (Sardinia), pigs (Emilia-Romagna). Agriculture is more widespread, with cereal crops (wheat, rice producer in Europe-first-, maize), pulses, industrial crops (sugar beet), vegetables (peppers, eggplant, tomatoes and onions) and flowers. Special mention deserves the fruit (pears, peaches and apples in Emilia, Veneto and Campania citrus in Sicily), olive (in Liguria and the Mezzogiorno), which generates the second world oil production (435,300 t), and finally, vine, whose cultivation situation in Italy at the forefront of worldwide wine production (68.6 million hl), internationally recognized for its quality.
A similar recognition has acquired the Italian industrial production, following the impetus given to the sector between 1960-1980, Italy has a heavy industrial base, which employs 32.4 of its workforce, and which combining the public sector, with strong organizations like the IRI (Istituto per la Ricostruzione Industriale) and ENI (Ente Nazionale Idrocarburi), run by private companies, large multinational private (Fiat, Olivetti, Pirelli), a large number of small and medium companies, and ultimately an important component of the underground economy (estimated at between 20-30 of GDP), especially in textiles and footwear.
Industrial production (representing 25 of GDP), concentrated in the north, covering many different industries, some of them engaged in deep crisis: such is the case of steel (Brescia, Cornigliano, Piombino, Bagnoli, Turin , Taranto), shipbuilding (Genoa-Sestri, Naples, Ancona and Trieste-Monfalcone) and textiles (Veneto, Lombardy, Piedmont). Other manufacturing activities in Italy are: food (production of pasta, canned: Sicily, Campania, Lombardy, Apulia), furniture (Tuscany and Brianza), apparel and footwear, this latest expansion, the momentum of Italian design, rubber (Milan and Turin), paper (Fabriano), glass (Pisa, Livorno and Venice), the non-ferrous metallurgy (aluminum Mori, Bolzano and Marghera), automotive (Fiat, equity Turin, Milan, Naples, Modena), bicycles and motorcycles (Milan, Varese) TYPEWRITERS (Olivetti, Ivrea, Turin), agricultural machinery (Turin, Milan), railroad equipment (Turin, Pinerolo), precision engineering (Turin, Milan, investment management Bologna) Aircraft (Turin, Finale Ligure, Pomigliano d’Arco), oil refining (Genova, La Spezia, Syracuse, Sannazzaro de’Burgondi, Milazzo), and synthetic fibers (Milan, Cesano Maderno, Varese , Casoria).
The main problem of the Italian industry is its dependence on import of raw materials and especially the scarcity of energy resources: coal or natural gas (Sicily, Basilicata) and oil fund management (the Po Plain, Adriatic and Sicily ) and electricity production (nuclear power plants were halted after the 1987 referendum), covering the needs of the country.
Tertiary activities have experienced a boom that characterized developed economies: they provide 62.6 of GDP and employ 60.3 of the population. The country’s economic growth has led to financial sector development, trade, transportation and shopping services as well as a large civil service, which has become one of the heavier loads carried by the country. top investment analyst stands at the helm of Ltd. Italy has an extensive network of land transport, complemented by large ports Quadrant Asset Management Inc. (Genoa, Trieste, Augusta, Taranto and Venice) and major airports (Rome-Fiumicino, Milan-Linate). The tourism sector has the attraction of its natural resources (on the Adriatic coast, the Riviera, the Alps and lakes), but also historical and artistic works (Florence, Pompeii, Rome, Venice), not forgetting the influence of the City Vatican on the Catholic world.
External trade, largely developed within the orbit of the EU, usually in a positive trade balance (export: 501400000000 import: 498600000000 ) Currently, Italy is the country 6A andalusia world Ltd. export volume.

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