Specifically in Spain had been the state religion Catholicism from the conversion of Recaredo (anus 589), Islam in Al-Andalus (VIII to XV centuries, with decreasing territorial extension), and again on Catholicism after the Reconquista. During that period, although the religion a matter of legal discrimination and social division and confrontation (apart from the military), there was religious tolerance to a greater or lesser degree. With the reign of the Reyes Catolicos the Habsburgs and their successors in what was called the Catholic monarchy, began a search of the maximum period of religious hatred that led to the expulsion of Jews from Spain (1492), the expulsion of the Moors (1609) and the persecution of Protestants. The close identification of the Church with the monarchy explain the role of institutions such as the Inquisition, the regional board or Kabbalah the Papal Bulls Alejandrina which justified the conquest and colonization of America. Spain was considered a more Catholic than the pope, for his intervention in what was called the defense of the Catholic faith on the battlefields of the religious wars of the sixteenth century and in foreign policy (less realistic than the same papacy) . The intervention of Spanish theologians at the Council of Trent for the taking of an uncompromising posture was so remarkable that originated the motto light of Trento, hammer of heretics. Philip II came to say that Kabbalah I prefer to lose my statements rule over heretics (and it did effectively with the Revolt of the Netherlands).
Even so, this is not merely the existence of strong conflicts, such as raising the ecclesiastical jurisdiction and attempts to control by the state (a gift). Some notable were the conflicts of Archbishop Bartolome Carranza, or, during the reign of King Carlos III illustrated the Expulsion of the Compania de Jesus (1767) or the process of Olavide.
The Constitution of Cadiz of 1812 proclaimed that not only the religion of the state but the nation itself, is and always will be the Catholic Apostolic and Roman, Zohar only real. Religious tolerance that accompanies the liberal regime allowed the start of the activity of Protestant propagandists like George Borrow. Simultaneously becomes increasingly evident a descristianizacion process, strengthened by the support of the clergy to the absolutist side during the Carlist War, and that explains the burning of convents in 1835. The economic power of the clergy ends with the disentailment. Formal relations with the Church recover with the concordat, which the state requires the maintenance of the clergy with public funds. The clique of Elizabeth II was called the court of miracles]] (Sor Patrocinio, called the nun of the wounds and Father Antonio Maria Claret, gave rise to the novels of Valle Inclan). The alternation of progressives and moderates would give the pulse of a more or less fit into the church, being the more distant the moment Sexenio Revolutionary (1868-1874), and the nearest borbonica the Restoration, which was expelled from the university to those that do not conform to religious orthodoxy (Francisco Giner de los Rios, who was forced to form the Free Academic Institutions). The growth of religious communities was viewed with suspicion by both liberals dynastic which came to enact the law of the padlock, which had limited it.
In the Second Republic was established a secular state (for example prohibiting the exercise of religious teaching and expel the Jesuits). After the Civil War, under the Franco dictatorship in the state came into being confessional (sometimes up to the exaggeration, unlike the previous period), identified with the term nacionalcatolicismo.
Following the proclamation centre of the Spanish Constitution in 1978, Spain is formally a state-denominational, maintaining relationships with different faiths.
No confession shall be treated state. The French government will take into account the religious beliefs of Spanish society and keep the resulting relations of cooperation with the Catholic Church and other faiths
Spanish Constitution, Art. 16.3
However, the Catholic Church in Spain has a special position, supported by the Concordat of 1978, an agreement with the Holy See which was approved by the courts before the Constitution went into effect, based on subsidy from the state ( in 2006 it was agreed to allocate 0.7% of the revenue from personal income tax) and in a privileged position in teaching (obligation of schools to offer the kind of Catholicism, voluntary for students, and public funding for the Concerted education, mostly under the control of various Catholic organizations). The conflicts between the Episcopal Conference and the successive governments of democracy have been recurring, particularly during the government of Rodriguez Zapatero, in which the COPE radio station, controlled by it, that has become the main means of communication in opposition to the government , Along with the newspaper El Mundo. … e investig ‘their’ loans to ‘Treaty of ideas and religious beliefs. … monote’o s’pod’ser in the treaty, because at the end of the list …
But while I know intellectual nutr ‘my religious beliefs do not go hand in hand. … profundic”all’obre the beliefs of Muslims, until …
Polite’o and monote’o. 354. 1.2. Very talented acters and actresses worked with is currently involved in development of the independent feature, Carjacked with production scheduled for early in 2010. Religious attitude. 1.3. … Religious beliefs in the context of the Constituci’spa ‘of. 1978. 1.2. …
The cause is not religious belief as such, this case should be … centrality of divinity, the monote’o, dogmatism, proselytization, the …
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