
Everyone knows the benefits of fruit and vegetable juices, which are a source not only of vitamins and minerals for our body, but also contain fiber, organic acids, pectin compounds, aromatic substances and essential oils. Juices of many plants in addition have medicinal properties in different diseases. Such as cabbage juice heals surprisingly quickly duodenal ulcers, cleanses the body and reduce vesa.Tak he is very effective in tumors and constipation. and cures gastritis, gastric ulcer, liver and spleen. Here’s how action alfalfa juice: ‘One of the most chlorophyll-rich plant is alfalfa.

Consumption of alfalfa gives a person’s health, strength and energy to a great age, with the body’s resistance to infection – is phenomenal. Juice fresh alfalfa is very strong, so it is better to drink mixed with carrot juice. In this case, the benefits we get from each juice in isolation increases. It was noted that such a combination of good help for most heart disease and diseases of the arteries. Chlorophyll well helps with disorders of the respiratory system, especially the lungs and cavities of the skull. The cause of sinus infection and pain, as well as bronchial and asthmatic conditions, including hay fever, is slime. Carrot juice, alfalfa and lettuce (variety of lettuce), fills a necessary substance for the supply of the hair roots. Daily use of this mixture (0.5 liters) to help hair growth in great extent. “


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