Archive for November, 2017

Vapor Generators

Monday, November 27th, 2017

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Study of Queima of the Mineral Coal in Furnaces of Vapor Generators Tdni de Abreu Goulart) Summary the furnace is the component of generating unit of destined vapor to convert the chemical energy of the fuel into thermal energy. In accordance with the type of the fuel, the projects of current furnaces have if alternated between furnaces for burning in suspension, it burns in grate or it burns in fluidizado stream bed. The furnaces of burning in suspension have more including application, mainly for allowing to burning of oil, coal sprayed, or same natural gas. The sprayed coal always if has presented as an advantageous alternative for use in the field of the termoeletricidade. The use of sprayed coal demands some cares special with the stability of flame and its preparation, involving the job of transporting mats, silos, mills and complementary systems of operation. The furnaces adapted with grates or fluidizado stream bed have restricted application the unit of small or average transport and are projected for the solid fuel consumption. The raised leached ashes text of great part of the reserves of fossil coal, together with other less noble fuels, has justified the application of furnaces of fluidizado stream bed, or the adoption of other alternative processes of direct combustion.

This work has the objective to revise these processes of burning and, of this form, to analyze possible adjustments for improvement of the efficiency of the one of the furnace in the direction of if adjusting to the necessities of each particular project in and making possible the burning of the abundant fuel in the south region of Brazil that is the mineral coal. Word-key: Coal, Combustion, Burn, Furnaces. Abstract The furnace is the component of the steam generator that converts chemical energy into thermal energy. According you the type of fuel, to boiler design must be chosen among burning in suspension, grid burning and fluidized bed burning.


Monday, November 27th, 2017

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Cosmetic mask on his face – is not masquerade mask, which changes the shape of the person beyond recognition. Behind it is possible to hide the problems and shortcomings in its power to transform our face, miraculously making it younger and attractive. The main thing to know what the mask, when and how to try to have happen is a miraculous transformation. Mask, I know you! On the market today the choice of beauty masks for the various application and impact on the skin – is huge. There are treatments, those who use to prepare for the procedure, the mask applied to complete the entire complex for skin care, masks, yielding let short-lived but spectacular effects and more lots and lots of varieties.

Cinderella Effect There are times when you just need to look more impressive. For example, you're going on a date to the prince, and his aunt, a fairy stuck in traffic on the Ring Road and did not have time to swing over you his magic wand. Time goes by and you need something urgent to do. In this case, you can always resort to little tricks from the field of women's cosmetic magic – kallogenovoy mask. It will provide instant and impressively clear positive result. And let the effect of this mask will not last long, but at this time, you will have time to totally captivate her youth and beauty all around you. In addition, this procedure is very simple and does not take much time.

Skin Care

Wednesday, November 15th, 2017

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Recommendations for the winter Winter – a difficult time for the face, requiring special attention and care. In the cold season to maintain optimum skin condition is more complicated than in the summer. In winter, a person's face is constantly undergoes a dramatic change in air temperature – just outside your face blowing cold wind, and has a warm and dry air in the room. Thus, the facial skin in winter daily experiences "douche" – frost on the street and heat in the room. In such circumstances, the skin may redden, peel off and become drier. What advice experts give skin care during this period? First, avoid aggressive cleaning means (scrubs, peels, alcohol-based lotions). Cleaners at this time should be softer and more forgiving. In addition, try to reduce the "communication" skin with water during the day.

Second, take time measures to protect the facial skin before going outdoors. Protect your skin from the cold to help oil-based creams. Protect the skin from drying when exposed to cold winds can funds based on vegetable oils. Use of these creams or tools should be in advance – for 30-50 minutes before going outside. Entering from the street into the room, you can get wet face towels, or use matte powder. Beauticians advised not to neglect the protection of the lip at the exit of the cold. Protects your lips chapstick or special lip balm, which can also be used as a basis for lipstick makeup. Makeup also helps protect the skin during the cold season.

Health Insurance

Wednesday, November 15th, 2017

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The current situation of economic crisis has meant that most people seek to reduce those expenses that are not absolutely essential, and one of these expenses are the insurance with the exception of car insurance, which are required by law. The company health insurance is a common practice that those companies with a certain number of workers offer their employees health insurance as part of the advantages that have, an aspect very valued by workers, especially if health coverage extends to their families. The dentist, an eye doctor and gynecologist for women are most commonly used in this type of insurance. Health insurance are not mandatory and therefore many people have thought of deleting them, but when it comes to the truth is one of the last expenses which eliminate, since society is perfectly aware that health is much more important than any other, and prefer to dispense with any other whim rather than this insurance. Combinations of health insurance and car not sure it has been the usual trend, but in recent years the way of conceiving the insurance is changing and there are some companies that offer combined car and health insurance policies, with a single for both options premium. Actually, it’s two separate policies that have nothing to do with each other, but the insurance company typically delivers important bonuses and discounts to those customers who want to have these two insurances and so ensure that the client do not go to another company to hire one of the two policies..

Implicit Memory

Friday, November 3rd, 2017

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Tulving (1972, P. 386) defined the memory semantics as ' ' a mental encyclopedia of the organized knowledge that a person keeps on words and other symbols mentais' ' , having later widened its scope to include ' ' the knowledge of the world of that an organism would be portador' ' (Tulving, 1985, P. 388). The Implicit Memory says respect to the behaviors that can be attributed the previous processings without, at the moment of the accomplishment of these behaviors it has conscience of the episode of its processing. The implicit memory does not need to be described with words. In the reality, despite let us desire to describe it with words, the verbalizao is very difficult or exactly impossible. Of the implicit memory the memory of procedures is part.

The procedure memory congregates the habits, the learned abilities and the rules in general, as for example, the series of movements necessary to play a instrument, floor of bicycle or the grammatical rules necessary to construct a phrase adequately. In short, when we look for to remember or to recognize the material, we support ourselves in the explicit memory. In contrast, the implicit memory says respect to the cases where we are affected by experiences passed without giving account that we are in fact to remember. memory of long stated period has the process of archive formation and consolidation, and can last of minutes the decades. Our souvenirs of infancy are examples of this type of memory or of knowledge that we acquire in the school. This type of memory contains the information that we have available in more or less permanent way. The memory of long stated period allows the recovery of an information after decades stored and the limits of its capacity are unknown. As It refutes (1990) the memory of long stated period it holds back information through the learning process and has a duration a little longer, being able to suffer to associations or combinations to be remembered selectively.