Skin Care
Recommendations for the winter Winter – a difficult time for the face, requiring special attention and care. In the cold season to maintain optimum skin condition is more complicated than in the summer. In winter, a person's face is constantly undergoes a dramatic change in air temperature – just outside your face blowing cold wind, and has a warm and dry air in the room. Thus, the facial skin in winter daily experiences "douche" – frost on the street and heat in the room. In such circumstances, the skin may redden, peel off and become drier. What advice experts give skin care during this period? First, avoid aggressive cleaning means (scrubs, peels, alcohol-based lotions). Cleaners at this time should be softer and more forgiving. In addition, try to reduce the "communication" skin with water during the day.
Second, take time measures to protect the facial skin before going outdoors. Protect your skin from the cold to help oil-based creams. Protect the skin from drying when exposed to cold winds can funds based on vegetable oils. Use of these creams or tools should be in advance – for 30-50 minutes before going outside. Entering from the street into the room, you can get wet face towels, or use matte powder. Beauticians advised not to neglect the protection of the lip at the exit of the cold. Protects your lips chapstick or special lip balm, which can also be used as a basis for lipstick makeup. Makeup also helps protect the skin during the cold season.
Tags: Cosmetics, personal care
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