Monday, November 27th, 2017
Study of Queima of the Mineral Coal in Furnaces of Vapor Generators Tdni de Abreu Goulart) Summary the furnace is the component of generating unit of destined vapor to convert the chemical energy of the fuel into thermal energy. In accordance with the type of the fuel, the projects of current furnaces have if alternated between furnaces for burning in suspension, it burns in grate or it burns in fluidizado stream bed. The furnaces of burning in suspension have more including application, mainly for allowing to burning of oil, coal sprayed, or same natural gas. The sprayed coal always if has presented as an advantageous alternative for use in the field of the termoeletricidade. The use of sprayed coal demands some cares special with the stability of flame and its preparation, involving the job of transporting mats, silos, mills and complementary systems of operation. The furnaces adapted with grates or fluidizado stream bed have restricted application the unit of small or average transport and are projected for the solid fuel consumption. The raised leached ashes text of great part of the reserves of fossil coal, together with other less noble fuels, has justified the application of furnaces of fluidizado stream bed, or the adoption of other alternative processes of direct combustion.
This work has the objective to revise these processes of burning and, of this form, to analyze possible adjustments for improvement of the efficiency of the one of the furnace in the direction of if adjusting to the necessities of each particular project in and making possible the burning of the abundant fuel in the south region of Brazil that is the mineral coal. Word-key: Coal, Combustion, Burn, Furnaces. Abstract The furnace is the component of the steam generator that converts chemical energy into thermal energy. According you the type of fuel, to boiler design must be chosen among burning in suspension, grid burning and fluidized bed burning.