Safeguard Male Fertility
Apart from causing a lot of problem to our health, environmental factors can paint so interfere with fertility. A number of scientific studies have shown that around the world, male sperm counts have been halved in the past 40-50 years and are falling continuously at a rate of 2% every year. Some of the primary reasons behind this decline range from poor lifestyle, eating habits, finacial stressful lifestyles, and environmental factors. So, aging is considered as one of the main reasons behind a significant drop in male fertility. That it what believed that men’s fertility remains intact from the time they puberty until enter traditionally they. But in fact it’s the biological clock that ticks away men’s reproductive years. Though at age of 70 or 80, a man can get his pregnant partner, but it can take a significant time of years rather than months. Aging can lead to decline in motility, morphology, and volume of the sperm as the testes become softer and smaller with time.
A range of fertility products can help men maintain their fertility in a considerable amount of time. Some of these products contain natural ingredients and herbal extracts and do not cause any major side effects. Let’s look at some of the essential environmental factors that can lead to infertility in most men: environmental chemicals A scientific research done in 2001 suggested that some chemicals present in the environment, commonly known as ‘gender bending’ chemicals, can be held responsible for affecting the fertility of men about four out of ten chemicals that are used in manufacturing of plastics, cosmetics, furniture, and food cans can imitate oestrogen, which is a female sex hormones. The accumulation of these chemicals can interfere with the male reproductive system. The presence of these chemicals in the body can be detected in urine. Phthalates is one such chemical that can cause low sperm count and wearing away of testicles. Occupation scientists believe that apart from farmers, welders, decorators, painters, taxi drivers, builders, and even office workers are at high risk of male infertility. It is due to working in high temperature and exposure to lead that welders are considered most vulnerable to this problem.
In case of painters and decorators, a significant exposure to solvents such as glycol ethers can play havoc with male reproductive system. Men, who are pursuing these occupations, can go for male fertility tests to know about their chances to have a baby. Stress the British Psychological Society has represented a study that reveals that alimentation up feelings can most men at of low sperm count risk. Stress affects our lives in more than one way. Comparing two groups of men in the research, it what found that men who were more fluent about their emotions were the ones with no. of fertility problem. Cortisol is the hormone that is released in the body when you are highly stressed. It is believed to interfere with the production of sperms. Most couples, who are planning for a child, can take help of male fertility kit to determine the fertility level. These kits are safe and discreet methods to avoid embarrassment of going to a hospital or clinic for the test. Studies have shown that they provide close to 97% accurate results within few minutes.
Tags: health, medicine & surgery
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