The Importance Of The Recycling

To recycle is to save energy, to save natural resources and to bring in return to the productive cycle what we play outside. To understand the recycling is important ' ' reciclarmos' ' the concept that we have of garbage, leaving of enxergar it as a dirty and useless thing in its totality. Great part of the materials that go for the garbage can (and they would have) be recycled. In view of the time of natural decomposition of some materials as the plastic (450 years), the glass (5,000 years), the can (100 years), the aluminum (of 200 the 500 years), becomes necessary the development of ambientalista conscience for an improvement of the quality of current life and so that it has ambient conditions favorable to the life of the future generations. The Recycling is an alternative to brighten up the problem, however, the enrollment of the population to carry through this action is necessary. The first step is to perceive that the garbage is wealth source and that to be recycled it must be separate. It can be separate in diverse ways and simplest he is to separate the organic garbage of the inorgnico (wet garbage dry garbage). This is a simple action and of great value.

The catadores of garbage, the environment and the future generations are thankful. The garbage production comes frightfully increasing in all the planet. The garbage is the .causing greater of the degradation of the environment and research indicates that each human being produces, on average, little more than 1 kilo of garbage per day. In such a way, the development of a recycling culture will be inevitable, in view of the scarcity of the natural resources you did not renew and the space lack to condition as much garbage. If today we will not have a position and an ambient conscience, repairing the actual damages to the environment and preventing new ecological disasters, the continuity and the quality of life will be compromised. This yes, would be the biggest error that the humanity could commit against proper it. Vanessa Minuzzi Bidinoto, Academic of IX the Semester of Biological Sciences of the URI – Santiago/RS Campus.


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