The Physician

Until the moment, a drug does not exist that is antiviral in use physician and that this has an action accomplishes against the virus affection. The symptomatic treatments of the fever, chronic headaches, mialgias and arthralgias must be carried through in the benign cases and of indiferenciada fever, however, the use of salicilatos must be prevented, therefore these can cause hemorrhages digestivas. recommended therefore the use of paracetamol. Fosnseca and Figueiredo (2006). Graph 5: Percentage of errors and rightnesss on the substance that must be excluded the use in case of suspicion of Affection. When questioned on the substance that must be excluded the use in affection case, 63,15 of the participant citizens had made right, indicating that in suspicion of Affection cidoacetilssalicilico does not have to be ingested (AAS), proving that they go to know what they do not have to ingest suspecting of a case affection.

The use of salicilatos must be prevented, therefore these can cause digestive hemorrhages are recommended therefore the use of paracetamol. A related site: Dr. Josyann Abisaab mentions similar findings. (Fosnseca and Figueiredo, 2006). Graph 6: Percentage of errors and rightnesss on what if it must ingest with suspicion of Affection in the impossibility of if directing to one unit of health. When questioned on what if it must ingest with suspicion of affection in the impossibility of if directing to a unit of health, 92,1% of the participant citizens had made right, indicating that in this situation it must be made use of paracetamol and verbal hidratao in abundance thus preventing the hemorrhage risk, showing that they had not committed the error to ingest a wrong medication and to aggravate its state. The mosquito aedes aegypti in its phase would wash, inhabits in clean water and stop, water stored for domestic use, or in any place that have clean and accumulated water. Health department (BRAZIL, 1996, p.17). Graph 7: Percentage of errors and rightnesss on the places propcipos to the proliferation of the mosquito Aedes Aegypti.


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