Basic Education Professors
The medicine is a health symbol, valuable tool of diagnosis, prevention, cure and relief of diseases, to put many times does not associate its negative adverse effect, even though why the lay users and some dispensadores do not have idea of as the medicine interacts in the organism. Thus the medicine represents in the society: a quimioterpico agent, a merchandise and a symbol of the life (LEFVRE, F. 1991). Since the medicine is a symbol of ‘ ‘ sade’ ‘ the educator a mediating professional of the knowledge and example for the pupils, is primordial that let us have works that they demonstrate to this relation (medicine/educator), positive or not.
Therefore the banalizao of the medicine for many professors can be copied and be extended to the pupils in not intentional way, increasing the danger of the self-medication. In the country, studies of population base on the prevalence and the factors associates to the self-medication are rare (VILARINO, J.F et al., 1998). In what it says respect to the self-medication of the professionals of the area of education something is unknown. Being thus, the proposal of the work is to trace the profile of the health and the self-medication of the professors and employees of the State School of Basic Education and average Frederico Boldt (EEEFM – Frederico Boldt) in the city of Saint Maria de Jetib, in order terms important information on the health of our educators and as we can improve it, beyond serving as indicative in relation to the self-medication of the category, the national level.
Tags: health and beauty
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