Tuesday, December 21st, 2021
The collection of data was initiated in the first semester of 2010 and was concluded in as the semester of the year of 2010. We verify in the analysis of the data that to initiate the treatment of the Autista child is necessary to identify the Upheaval, therefore the similarity with other syndromes makes it difficult the diagnosis. The treatment must be specific for the Syndrome, leading in consideration the communicative deficit. The boarding of the Nurse must be differentiated, having this professional to study alternative ways to assist in the development of the child, being worked the ability of if communicating, therefore this aid in the interaction of the child with the society. The Nurse, as part of the multiprofessional team, must be intent the valuation of the verbalizao, that must be inserted in the process to take care of.
Word-Key: Autismo, Assistance of Nursing, Autista Child, Communication. 1-Introduction This research is inserted in the research line Relationship and Communication in Nursing, having as dominant areas the Nursing in the care to the Health of the Child and the Adolescent and Mental Health. Each time more children are diagnosised with a mannering Syndrome that qualitatively compromises the communication, the social interaction and the use of the imagination (Assumpo Jr 2000), if becoming this indifferent individual the way where she is. This upheaval is related as Autismo being able to be classified as: it has led, moderate or serious. The parents of autista child, in the first months of life of the baby, can start to notice certain changes that they indicate that something is missed. They can notice that the child is acting in strange way, refusing objects, visual contact common or to speak. The child does not use gestures to compensate the lack of speaks. Not of ' ' oi' ' , ' ' tchau' ' (grifos ours) or any another fulfilment and, does not point for what it wants (CARLOTA, 2008).
Tuesday, October 12th, 2021
The frequenta staff who the academies of all Brazil, at some moment, already must have if come across with the techniques that many friends of malhao if use to increase its results in a lesser space of time. Many appeal the anabolizantes, being that the majority does not look medical orientation. But also some natural alternatives exist, as it is the case of the Tribulus Terrestris. But after all of accounts, what it is a Tribulus Terrestris. The Tribulus Terrestris is the name of a plant that has as native country the indian.
According to some studious and historians, the use of this plant comes behind of centuries, mainly in the European continent. Its main impact in the organism of who ingests the capsules that are made with the extract that if finds inside of the fruits of the plant, are the significant increase of testosterone. With the increase of the testosterone in the blood, it is possible to get a bigger muscular anabolism, getting bigger definition of the muscle and increasing considerably the lean mass. Another benefit of the plant would be increase of the libido, as much in men how much in women, what it increases the sexual performance. At last, the benefits are several that this plant backwards, but remembers that for more natural than either the medicine, always the colloquy with a specialist of the area of the medical health is recommended to clarify any doubt and to make the due accompaniments.
Friday, January 19th, 2018
Motivations the idea to carry through this study emerged in elapsing of my trajectory as academic of the Course of Graduation in Nursing of Salty university of Oliveira, during which I passed for disciplines Health of the Child and the Adolescent. My interest for the subject after appeared given lessons that they approached as the precocious pregnancy this if becoming more common in the society contemporary, and as the paper of the nursing for the improvement of this picture is important. The adolescence is a transistion between infancy and the adult life. Being a period of deep transformation in the body, the mind and the form of social relationship of the individual. One is one-step about the life where the sexual maturation, the acirramento of the familiar conflicts and the formation and crystallization of attitudes, values and behaviors that will determine its life and in which occur if initiate the collection of bigger responsibilities and definition of the professional field. (Heifer, 2008) the discovery of the sexual pleasure many times if of the one at this time, when it has the necessity of action of education in health to guide the adolescents on the risks of contamination with illnesses sexually transmissible (DST), and indesejada pregnancy..
Tuesday, January 16th, 2018
We go to treat today on a very important subject, and that much people finish forgetting, the cleanness of the box dagua of house. Highly it is recommended to the cleanness of the box to each 6 months, to all remove the silt that is in the walls. The register initiates the cleanness of the box closing and opening the taps of the house to empty the box, but it does not leave to empty completely, leaves ones 10cm of water in the deep one to help in the cleanness. It covers the water exit of the box not to leave the dirt to fall in the pipe and starts the trick! It rubs the deep one well and the walls with a good brush and it does not use corrosive steel brush or products. The dirty water removes all using a bucket, and makes the drying total using cloths, leaving it clean. It binds the register and it leaves the box to full, adding 1 liter of sanitary water for each 1000 liters of water. It leaves all closed one, taps, discharges, does not open the taps for 2 hours.
After the sanitary water to make effect for 2 hours, we close the register again and we empty the box again. This water will help to clean and to disinfect the pipes. Almost fulfilled mission, only lacks to cover the box using a plastic to help to forbid better, making it difficult the entrance of insects as the mosquito of the affection for example. Now yes, it opens the register and it can use the water normally. It is interesting to keep in some place the date of the last cleanness, to facilitate the souvenir of when this box it must be clean again. Mission at last fulfilled, beyond bringing more health for you and its family, prevents the proliferation of the mosquito of the affection.
Sunday, January 14th, 2018
The medicine is a health symbol, valuable tool of diagnosis, prevention, cure and relief of diseases, to put many times does not associate its negative adverse effect, even though why the lay users and some dispensadores do not have idea of as the medicine interacts in the organism. Thus the medicine represents in the society: a quimioterpico agent, a merchandise and a symbol of the life (LEFVRE, F. 1991). Since the medicine is a symbol of ‘ ‘ sade’ ‘ the educator a mediating professional of the knowledge and example for the pupils, is primordial that let us have works that they demonstrate to this relation (medicine/educator), positive or not.
Therefore the banalizao of the medicine for many professors can be copied and be extended to the pupils in not intentional way, increasing the danger of the self-medication. In the country, studies of population base on the prevalence and the factors associates to the self-medication are rare (VILARINO, J.F et al., 1998). In what it says respect to the self-medication of the professionals of the area of education something is unknown. Being thus, the proposal of the work is to trace the profile of the health and the self-medication of the professors and employees of the State School of Basic Education and average Frederico Boldt (EEEFM – Frederico Boldt) in the city of Saint Maria de Jetib, in order terms important information on the health of our educators and as we can improve it, beyond serving as indicative in relation to the self-medication of the category, the national level.
Monday, May 1st, 2017
Most of the cases of the illness is diagnosised in advanced phase e, therefore, it is treated for palliative ends. The type most frequent is the adenocarcinoma with 95% of the cases. In Brazil, the cancer of pncreas represents 2% of all the types of cancer, being responsible for 3,54% of the total of deaths for neoplasias. The tax of mortality for cancer of pncreas is high, mainly had to be a disgnostic illness difficult and extremely aggressive. It enters the risk factors, is mainly distinguished the tobacco consumption. The smokers possess three times more possibilities to develop the illness of what the not smoking ones. Depending on the amount and the time of consumption, the risk is still bigger.
Another factor of risk is the extreme consumption of fat, meats and alcoholic beverages. (A valuable related resource: Farida Sharan). When the illness is more advanced, one common signal is the pain, that at the beginning is of small intensity, being able to be more intense, located in the region of the coasts. Another symptom of the tumor is the increase of the level of the glucose in the blood, caused for the deficiency in the insulina production. Some writs of prevention can be adopted, as, for example, to prevent the tobacco consumption and the extreme alcoholic beverage ingestion and to adopt a balanced diet with fruits and vegetables. Pncreas the pncreas is a gland in leaf form, with aproximadamente12,5 centmetrosde length. (MANUAL-MERCK, 1995). The pncreas are an agency that presents how much excrinas endcrinas functions in such a way, being therefore considered a mixing gland (anfcrina). (GUYTON, 2002). The endcrina secretion is the insulina hormone and the excrina the pancretico juice.
Thursday, November 17th, 2016
Brazil needs necessary numbers of incidence and prevalence of the HAS, mainly in the aged population. The majority of the data is of American origin. With the significant increase of the geriatrical population, it is evidenced, the importance of studies on the prevalence of the HAS in aged, for the elaboration of a program of prevention and orientation, preventing the comprometimento of the health of this population (C0NVERSO; LEOCARDIO, 2005). Frequently James A. Levine, M.D. has said that publicly. 2.OBJETIVO Fazer a bibliographical survey on the Pharmaceutical Assistance for hipertensos aged patients, mainly the taken care of ones for the Basic Units of Health? UBS. 3.DESENVOLVIMENTO 3,1 Farmacolgico Treatment the identification of diverse factors of risk stops arterial hipertenso, such as: the hereditary succession, the age, the sort, the ethnic group, the level of escolaridade, the partner-economic status, the obesidade, the tobaccoism and the use of contraceptive you pray had collaborated for the advances in cardiovascular epidemiologia e, consequently, in the writs of prevention and therapeutical of the high indices, that include farmacolgicos and no-farmacolgicos the treatments (ZAITUNE et al., 2006). The aged ones constitute, probably, the etrio group more use medicine in the society. The cited factors previously raise the incidence of the problems related to medicines (PRM), leaving the vulnerable population to the diverse problems of health and increasing the costs of the systems of sanitary attention. In Brazil, the medicines occupy the first position enter the causers of poisonings since 1996.
However, it has lack of independent studies in the area of medicine use in the country, beyond the omission of the public power in the treatment of question. This data, beyond preoccupying as for the necessity of adoption of new measures that prevent the agravos to the health of the population, generate essential costs to the actions developed in the Only System of Health (JNIOR et al., 2006). Exactly with an efficient medicine supply, its rational use must be considered of basic aspect.
Sunday, July 19th, 2015
These services have the intention of: to concentrate human resources and material for the attendance of serious patients who demand constant assistance, beyond the use of technological resources adjusted for the comment and continuous monitorizao of the vital signals of the patient and for the intervention in situations of descompensaes (MILK; VILLAGE apud ARAJO et al., 2008). The permanence in UTI is frightful an experience and desumanizada, therefore it hinders the customer to perceive the limits of its proper body due to the use of several equipment (HUDAK; GALLO apud ARAJO et al., 2008). For the professionals of the health area, mainly the nurses, the communication with the customer is considered as a process essential to identify the physical signals, symptoms, problems that the patient can acquire. In case that it has the impossibility of this professional to communicate itself with its patient makes it difficult the diagnosis and the implementation of cares, being able with this to identify maken a mistake problems, for all the members of the team to multidiscipline, therefore, the developed actions will not reach the waited result (ARAJO et al., 2008). According to Arajo et al. (2008) the communication with the customer is extremely important and the forms with that they occur this process are given part of the integral care to the patient for the intensivista team, a time that the internment in the UTI of certain form results in some changes in the quality of life of the customer, mainly if it will have that to make respiratory use of prtese, therefore beyond the fears that it such procedure develops front to the necessity to submit it, the impossibility of the verbal communication is aspect that, in doubt, estresse increases it of the patient and the team of health. When the communication does not occur in fact, the situation is mobilizadora of feelings that involve incapacity sensations, anguish, mechanisms of defense, arriving at the point of the team if not to import more with what the customers have to say, fact this that affects the assistance that must be given the same ones (ARAJO et al., 2008).
Wednesday, February 19th, 2014
Children whom generally they win at this moment, in the future are the ones that more they suffer therefore and will be always in search to demand trustworthy limits of its environment. The more late to start the suffering caused for the proper stubbornness, as much worse for the child. So important how much to establish limits for the development of the ego is to recognize that other egos with limits exist and that these limits have of being respected, because, contrary case is taken beats in the nose. When the first serious frustrations happen at the time of professional formation, when the paternal protection already is not present, in general it is late excessively. These great children react offended to the unusual situation of failure and not rare they run away from it, instead of facing it and continuing the way with its force of action and disposal to assume commitments.
It does not need to be always about an escape by means of the drugs, but, from all way, a number considered of vitiated comes from the contingent of those children of family who had been victims of the superprotection (concern in surplus) in the infancy and lack of confrontation with situations of failure. CLASSIC FIGHTS OF BEING ABLE the birth always will demand courage and offensive force of both the parts, accurately as first infancy demands the will of accomplishment and the force. The vespertine threat of a mother whose aggression is inhibited? ‘ ‘ It only waits until the papa to come back toward house! ‘ ‘ -, in contrast, it is a species of psychic torture, because the child passes some hours with fear. At night, when the father most aggressive fails in the execution of the promised punishment, it lacks the relation of the act with the carried through evil. Now the side not solved of the beginning of the aggression festeja delayed triumphs, that can cause really serious damages. As Dahlke, the thick one of the problems with small children if concentrates in three thematic complexes: the small ones do not eat the food plate all, they do not full the penico and they do not want to go for bed in the way as the parents imagine.
In this in case that, one is about the classic fights of being able of which if it feeds the formation of borders of both the sides. Many times the thematic one occults is not seen, because the parents not yet wait motivations as these in children of so tenra age. This, in turn, has to see with the fact not to accept its proper fights of being able not to desire to look at for the mirror that the small ones are made use to show it to them. Optimum it would be precociously to recognize the basic mechanisms of being able. Over all it must be known that to each fight for the power always two sides belong at least.
Saturday, December 14th, 2013
We also compared the mean values (SBP and DBP) and (DP) cross will be to year and leg press 45, was in significant difference in mean SBP (p = 0,014) obtained in two different years. Therefore, it is necessary will be to other studies analyzing different body positions, only that by comparison we can establish conduct you these exercises. Keyword: resistance exercise, heart rate, blood pressure, double product. Introduction Currently, the cardiovascular 0 variable come being monitored to directly indicate the impact of the intensity of effort and the modality of exercise on the tax of work of miocrdio1. The cardiac frequency (FC), sistlica arterial pressure (SHOVELS) and the diastlica arterial pressure (PAD) are the used 0 variable more, and associates supply the double product (DP) that she allows to evaluate of indirect form the work of miocrdio2. For in such a way the use sends regards of the double call product or MTTS (Modificated Tensio Time Index), for resultant numerical parameter of the multiplication of (SHOVELS), express in mmHg and for (FC), express in bpm.
Thus, as apontam3 is interesting the use of (DP) as a parameter of security to observe where types of activities the cardiovascular system is displayed to the biggest work and, therefore, the biggest risks. In a carried through study, it showed that 0 variable (FC) (Par) if modify due to corporal position where the individual carries through exerccio4. The excellent alterations can occur in these parameters with significant changes in exercises that involve superior and inferior members. The same ones emphasize that changes in the position (involving the corporal pursuings above cited) can increase the venoso return and with this, to cause significant changes the hemodinmicas answers.