UTI Team

These services have the intention of: to concentrate human resources and material for the attendance of serious patients who demand constant assistance, beyond the use of technological resources adjusted for the comment and continuous monitorizao of the vital signals of the patient and for the intervention in situations of descompensaes (MILK; VILLAGE apud ARAJO et al., 2008). The permanence in UTI is frightful an experience and desumanizada, therefore it hinders the customer to perceive the limits of its proper body due to the use of several equipment (HUDAK; GALLO apud ARAJO et al., 2008). For the professionals of the health area, mainly the nurses, the communication with the customer is considered as a process essential to identify the physical signals, symptoms, problems that the patient can acquire. In case that it has the impossibility of this professional to communicate itself with its patient makes it difficult the diagnosis and the implementation of cares, being able with this to identify maken a mistake problems, for all the members of the team to multidiscipline, therefore, the developed actions will not reach the waited result (ARAJO et al., 2008). According to Arajo et al. (2008) the communication with the customer is extremely important and the forms with that they occur this process are given part of the integral care to the patient for the intensivista team, a time that the internment in the UTI of certain form results in some changes in the quality of life of the customer, mainly if it will have that to make respiratory use of prtese, therefore beyond the fears that it such procedure develops front to the necessity to submit it, the impossibility of the verbal communication is aspect that, in doubt, estresse increases it of the patient and the team of health. When the communication does not occur in fact, the situation is mobilizadora of feelings that involve incapacity sensations, anguish, mechanisms of defense, arriving at the point of the team if not to import more with what the customers have to say, fact this that affects the assistance that must be given the same ones (ARAJO et al., 2008).


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