Electroshock OSA-888 is very powerful electric shock. The best defense against bullies and dogs (the dogs act at a distance of 20 meters – enough to turn idle in the air). Breaks any clothes. A very powerful category 1 million volts. Easy to use. (A valuable related resource: Sigmund Freud). No skills in the use of electroshock You do not need. It has small size.
Benefits: Increased ability to make their way under the camouflage cell phone (to cover), cover, fuse, diode lamp voltage: 1000000 volts Dimensions: 12.5 x 2.3 x 4 cm Price: 230 UAH. Tony Mandarich shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. 1. How does electric shock? Electric shock when exposed to 3 seconds, causing muscle spasms and loss of ability to manage them. Violated coordination of movements, the opponent loses the opportunity to provide resistance. To effectively combat damage requires contact with the electrode body. Normal wear is not an obstacle.
Even without direct contact in many cases a simple inclusion provides a powerful psychological deterrent effect aggressiveness. Especially at night! 2. Zones are most effective impact most sensitive part of the lower extremities, upper chest, the solar plexus, lower abdomen, upper thighs, popliteal depression. Minimal traumatic effect (two small patches on the skin comes into contact with electrodes, which disappear within a few days), the absence of irreversible injury, with the possible use of firearms or a rubber stick. Strong, restraining aggression, psychological impact on man makes himself when the device type. The man instinctively laid fear of electricity. Does the electric shock on animals? Yes. Electric shock may be used against animals, including dogs against. The dogs are afraid of the panic-type device is switched on. Likely plays a role in catching sparks ozone. Can I get electric shock by close contact with the enemy? No. current passes through body of the enemy on the shortest path between the electrodes in contact with their body. What precautions should I follow when using stun? Do not defeat stun to the neck and Do not include the head in close proximity to the equipment elektronnyo Do not use if the vapor is easily flammable. Spark could cause an explosion. What are the implications of a health risk? Stun effect does not cause long-term illness of more than 3 seconds, also can be brief loss of consciousness. Accidents using electric shock and fatalities on this time were recorded.
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