Ice Hockey Federation League

Bandy long love in our country. Until the 50s. (Before the IFB), this game we called nothing but a Russian ice hockey (as opposed to a Canadian ice hockey – hockey): where, if not on the wide expanses of ice and not in the vortex velocities attacks, the full features of the show is the Russian character – daring, swing, courage, resourcefulness! .. Hockey – is hardening and the nature, the will and a powerful means of promoting health. Passionate about them hundreds of thousands of people in all parts of the country.

Gradually, the people's game becomes a game of sports. To the 60-th years. XIX century. Russian hockey played in the already ubiquitous. There are even some celebrities. Played at that time sticks of juniper and solid rubber balls. Hockey is quite popular in Russia.

Suffice it to say that the highest and first league championship of Russia on hockey team played 63 of the 26 subjects of the federation of six federal districts and one foreign team – 'Akzhayik' of Kazakhstan Uralsk, and the Federation of bandy Russia includes 47 national, provincial and regional federations and divisions of Hockey. The largest representation in the major leagues have Irkutsk, Sverdlovsk region, each of which represents three major league teams. In general, in both leagues apart from the competition Sverdlovsk Oblast, the guide to a higher league and the first nine teams from six cities. Less important is yet another figure: in the course of the season playing league teams visited more than a million viewers, but the most important game is collected in one stadium to 30 000 fans. The development of modern hockey with a ball in Russia is carried out under leaders of the Federation of bandy Russia (President Boris Skrynnik). Federation Cup competitions in Russia and the first top league, Cup of Russia, as well as championships in women, veterans, juniors and young men, children's club tournaments for prizes, "Wicker Ball", Mini-Ice (rink-bandy), and several other competitions. In addition, competition in hockey and carried out field work with the Ice Hockey Federation ball of Russia, for example, conducted in 2007 in Sakhalin under the "Sports against gate I Amateur Championship Sakhalin Bandy

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