Monday, March 23rd, 2020
One is about a quarrel on the domestic sewers of the city of Timbaba of Baptists – RN and its socioambientais conditions. The domestic sewers are a problem that aflinge all the timbaubense population, a time that the city does not make use of no system of sanitary exhaustion and that the deriving residuary waters of diverse uses are directed for black individual systems of fossas and/or septic tanks, followed of sumidouros, happening that in many cases, these folloied waters of dejections are lead for the public way, running the sky opened for the streets, thus serving, of criadouro of mosquitos, sources of illnesses, poluindo the environment and bothering the people with the great fedentina. At times of rains these waters and dejections that are accomodated in natural lands, are carried to the surrounding streams and the dam from the Lagoinha, having compromised the quality of the water of these sources, mainly of the dam, that is as bigger of this city in depth and first one in extension, and sufficiently is used to advantage for agriculture, fishes and cattle. I appeal it in the search the basic sanitation is most present, in the attempt to equate and to decide the problems of the domestic sewers, therefore beyond assuring greater quality of consumed waters, it will have direct effect on the maintenance of the forms of life and the existing ecological balance in the way, of more healthful form..
Monday, February 26th, 2018
The complexity of the processes of urban ambient impact presents challenges. Of a side, she is necessary to problematizar the reality and to construct an inquiry object. Of another one, it is necessary to articulate a coherent interpretation of ecological processes social concernentes to the degradation of the urban environment. In the last few decades, wild processes of economic development have been responsible for significant losses in the biological, resultant diversity of the occupation and ecosystem destruction until then intocados by the action of the man. To be faced challenge is of the development of a model of sustainable consumption of the natural resources, that the not only allows the social and economic development of the region, but also preservation of the ecosystem. For Sachs (2004), this concept finds sustentation in five pillars, namely: 1) social support that says respect to the equitable distribution of income 2) associated economic support the beginning of solidarity enters the populaeslocais to improve use of the resources and generation of collective income; 3) directed ecological support to the rational use of the natural resources of the ecosystem; 4) relative geographic support to the cares ambient and space to prevent disasters and damages to the region; 5) cultural support that involves the territory concept while spaces of constructions of possibilities to the regional development, taking itself in them to know, values and potentialities to account (p.15). The debate on the subject of the development comes being stopped has some decades. Its more recent intensification is associated with the drastic changes politics that the world occidental person has faced with strong acirramento of the social tensions in face of the incessant degradation of the environment. The studies of Rou (1997) inform in them that the etnlogos use the term little environment, prefer the term nature: the plural one allows them to demand the fact of that the nature, in itself, is not thus so natural, since it is inhabited, thought, worked and transformed for the man, who lives in society.
Tuesday, February 4th, 2014
An interesting fact to observe itself is that in both the authors if the cartographic questions were not given to relevncias none, mainly finishes it author works questions as, for example, the climatologia without the same shows as the dynamics of this process happens. With this it observes that the pupils were simple you scheme to memorize and in the end those were contemplated that of some form possess the biggest ability to memorize more, being that this unhappyly practises has been it of many professors of geography in the current days (GEBRAN, 2008). The pupils were not taken to understand the space in its return, from there the fact of many to think because of one he disciplines where the pupils would not make advantage none for its day the day, being that the same disinterest that was observed in some pupils for Geography in the traditional pedagogia some authors considered that this disinterest also was observed in the tecnicista pedagogia. Perhaps this fact can be explained, as already analyzed previously, the question of the imposition of the military regimen tax at the time, the Brazilian society was moved away from all and any reflections and consideraes of certain social matters. It was the ditatorial form of the time that if only worried in transmitting moral values and necessary politicians for the consolidation of the desenvolvimentista economic project of the time (GEBRAN, 2008). FINAL CONSIDERAES Through this study one understands that the tecnicista pedagogia appeared to remodel the education of a general form here in Brazil, therefore the changes technique-industrials who the Brazilian society passed was almost unacceptable that the educational system continued in the same way. Brazilian Pertaining to school Geography if developed French Geography on the basis of and this geography had as characteristic main to present the fragmented space elements, as for example, the climate, relief, vegetation, population, urbanization (BRAZIL, 1998; LACOSTE, 1997).