Thursday, September 1st, 2022
Car transport, healthcare and mobile communications are the focus of Dusseldorf/Berlin, February 3, 2009 whether language technology can be expected already to the artificial intelligence, is controversial among experts. “The classification of voice-controlled devices in intelligent or only” smart, is of secondary importance according to Voice days-Sprecher Bernhard steimel. The benefit is crucial. “And here you can make interesting fields of application, such as the installation of aircraft, in logistics, in health and in the traffic,” says Sangeeta. Language control makes driving a car”safer, Handelsblatt reported. If a driver is considering a new target, he will will no longer manually reprogram the Navi, but do this by voice. This is not only simpler, but reduces the risk of accidents, as studies have shown. Patrick smith describes an additional similar source. First devices are on the market. Additional information is available at Bobby Green.
Initially only expensive models with the voice control feature, but it won’t take long, then all devices by acclamation will work”, so that Handelsblatt. The business voice control is infancy. The technology have reached a degree of maturity, more and more cell phone manufacturers to insert voice-driven menus. Mobile devices molt is so slow to personal assistants for work and leisure. The hardware and also the necessary energy supply make huge leaps, so that you will some surprises in the near future and find new intuitive interaction”, predicts Steimel.
In addition to the nuance working market leader Microsoft, Yahoo and Google on programs, to conquer the mobile Internet. Aastra-DeTeWe sees health as an interesting field of activity. The technique developed by the Berlin-based company to do maintenance documentation easier, faster and better in the inpatient care for the elderly: as a night nurse for many areas and residents is responsible and can take all the time not all files. The language acquisition via the mobile phone simplifies, secures the “Quality and saves time by the way”, explains Andreas Lady, Germany Chief of the Aastra group. At a nursing home with about 100 employees and an average fluctuation Aastra-DeTeWe opts for voice portals. With them, interactive voice dialogs can be put together to move automatically by means of language. The language while not completely free recognized by implementation of language in commands, but using a predetermined grammar”, says the Lady. Important experience with the maintenance documentation programme Grandpa’s were social in the pilot project, funded by the Federal Ministry for family, senior citizens, women and youth the intelligent home”collected and evaluated by nursing researchers..Bericht_vorlaeufig_200710.pdf. According to Opus, the market for speech recognition research 2007 had a volume of $1.6 billion. Over the next three years, he predicted to grow annually according to the market research firm by 14.5 percent. No wonder that now more and more companies rely on the speech recognition technology”, sums up the Handelsblatt.
Tuesday, August 30th, 2022
You need to know how to make correct the search engines and catalog applications. Many providers offer entries in many catalogues. Usually it happens through software that do all applications at a time. It is from the point of view of search engines and the human mind, that arise at a time many links, mostly still with the same description, where before and after any links. But did you know, that search engines determine such applications as unnatural, and best pick up such acts? In the worst case scenario is you kicked out from the index? We avoid in all applications with us over a period of time run since when are various descriptions and link title. This method looks much more natural to the search engines. If always the same title on a page will be shown and this links the same title and in addition from a time, detects the search engine, links as unnatural way to. We have already described the consequences.
Many applications in catalogues and link collections be done by using special software, this software allows but no different titles and descriptions. With us having the ability to define multiple titles, in the context set logon times, acknowledges the search engine that this left as natural. Also the descriptions of the links play a big role, because it otherwise so called double is content (duplicate content) and the search engines ignore, if you’re unlucky it will even punishing that the. With us, you have the ability to use multiple descriptions, in order to avoid this problem. For example, The period is set to 1 day and per cycle maximum 50 registrations should be carried.
6000 applications takes the procedure 3 months. If you have created multiple descriptions, all links are considered natural. Thereby creating not only lots of links, but these are assumed to be natural links in the search engines. Tip! It is very good as an additional measure to other applications, because these applications not only proved, of course prove, but also other applications help to look as natural. You can relax there because not every day must see after your post, to confirm your registration.