Tuesday, August 30th, 2022
The main cause of imbalance is the usual flow of life – illness. More precisely – the disease. Which every year gets bigger. Diseases of the younger and grab more and more young bodies, very often it is already is still in the womb. Diseases growing stronger. Diseases absorb more and more people. Diseases mutate.
There is a sense that the disease is an intellectual component. There is something that runs. Something that is rapidly gaining strength. You could even say – seizes power over man. Particularly acute is felt by people who are sick with incurable illnesses.
Before the disease which medicine is powerless. Are doomed. In these moments comes understanding. Understanding the truly important values. At such moments, a feeling that time is speeding up and changing its tempo. It's like you get over the river, which accelerates with every meter of the movement. It death. It accelerates the course of it, because closer and closer to human senses. Her premature arrival was inevitable. At such moments seem to be seconds per day and week – minutes. And no one can help. We can only regret and compassion. And wait. Hope not. For this purpose we exist. Do not just give up hope. This is the least. Our task is to completely withdraw the disease and return to normal life of man. What you ready for your healing? Try answer to this question. Soak in the depth of this issue. Do you have a choice. Surrender of the disease and to leave life. Or save it. Time to understand and do something good, something you do not have time. Ahead you will find a lot of good things. Gain strength. You need it. We can help cure many diseases. Among them obschepopulyarnye, and chronic and deadly … a common understanding. Most disease than the disease. Disease – it is a state of mind. Do not fall for it davleyuschee and absorbing feeling. Disease is something temporary. In fact, any disease – disease. And remember – we support you and will make every effort to get rid of your illness. And we will do it. If you are not convinced, visit Maya Dubin, New York City. Everyone has the right to health. This right belongs to the person from birth. This is the right man by his nature. On the merits. We defend the right of every person and give people the opportunity to take your right and use it.
Sunday, November 18th, 2018
You want to be healthy and have a great feeling. But do not know how to do it. Then read this article. In it you'll know why you're sick and you need to do to istseleniya.Chasto so happens, that many diseases are hard treatable. They become chronic.
And whatever you do, full recovery does not come. And there are only short-term improvement. Why is this happening? Because you treat the disease rather than its prichinu.Psihologi has long been established that in most cases, each disease is associated with certain thoughts and emotions. For example, the cause of constipation – it's greed and attachment to the past. A heart playing tricks on excessive feelings of guilt.
And in order to stop having problems with the chair should learn to easily let go my past, and become more generous person. And to heal the heart – to get rid of the guilt and to establish the rhythm of life. So the first thing you should do – is to find the psychological causes of his illness. There are many authors who provide a complete description of diseases and their causes. The more famous of them – this is Louise Hay, B. and B. Zhikarentsev Sinelnikov. Read their books, or visit our website for more informatsiey.Kogda you decide to negative thoughts that trigger your disease, you need to change old beliefs with new ones. In this case you Affirmations can help. What are affirmations? This is a positive attitude, which are programming your mind for healing and new way of perceiving the surrounding deystvitelnosti.Esli take heart problems, your new idea would read as follows: "My heart beats to the rhythm of love and harmony." And also, "I break from the burden of guilt. Now I know that guilt does not exist, but there are bugs that make me stronger. " Then, when you will make your affirmation, you should pronounce it daily, and as often as possible. Your affirmation must gain power. You have to believe in her and then she helps you on the path to istseleniyu.Krome positive thoughts, I recommend that you use visualization. Think of a healthy person and full of energy. Think of your body healthy. Do this daily until the ailments do not retreat in storonu.Pomimo implementation of these effective techniques, you need to BELIEVE in MY HEALING. Belief in yourself is the foundation. Without it, you will not get the expected results. Without it, all your actions – it is a waste of time. Realize that each person chooses what he believes. And you, too. And if you believe in the disease, you'll get sick. And if you believe in healing, then you will become healthier.
Wednesday, August 15th, 2018
Detergents, cleaners, detergents. For example, if you washed the bath Comet Gel, and then in her seat, all that was in the bath, you safely transported in the body. Washed the dishes and test powder through the skin of the hands of the chemicals enter the body. Bad habits – alcohol, tobacco, drug and alcohol abuse, toxicology, substance abuse – it all affects the kidneys. Folk remedies for kidney: corn silk – weak mochegonnnoe and anti-inflammatory agent, used in kidney diseases.
Make a decoction (1 tablespoon in 300g of boiling water). Birch sap has tonic, and a weak diuretic effect. Pumpkin – cleanses the body and restores the disturbed metabolic processes. Drink fresh juice of pumpkin cup 3 times a day. Peel peppers beans, used for cystitis. Brewed 6 tablespoons to 1 liter. Infuse for 2 hours.
Drink cup 3 times a day in the form of heat. Lingonberry – diuretic renal disease. Prepare otvar1 tablespoon fruits or leaves Pour 1 cup boiling water, leave for 1 hour. Watermelon rind – very effective for all diseases of the kidneys. Diuretic and kidney cleansing properties. Prepare for the winter powder watermelons: it is dried, ground into a powder and brewed as tea. Bearberry (bear ear). Used in the treatment of acute cystitis, pyelonephritis and nephritis. Good swelling of renal proishozhdeniya.Lnyanoe seed-to cleanse the kidneys. Take 20 grains, pour 300 ml of water and simmer for 10 minutes. Strain and drink cup every 3 hours for 2 days. Rose. Take 1 tablespoon of the crushed roots in 300 ml of boiling water, boil 5 minutes, press 1 hour, drain. Drink cup 4 times daily before meals with cystitis. Therapeutic Nutrition: Eating a diet in renal disease should be divided into 4-5. Fluid intake should not exceed 1.5 liters per day, including the liquid contained in the products (800-900 ml of liquid in its pure form). Food should be prepared without salt, and in acute excluded. Eat foods that contain lots of calcium – milk, cream, sour cream, yogurt, buttermilk, tvorog.Produkty that have a diuretic effect: pumpkin, squash, cucumbers, beets, leafy salads, raw vegetables, salads, fresh fruit, raisins, dried apricots, dried apricots, prunes, fresh apricots, watermelon and cantaloupe. Oovoschnye cereals and soups, soups with pasta, borscht, cabbage soup vegetarian, dairy and fruit supy.Nezhirnoe meat, poultry, fish, meals of cereals, pasta, vegetables, cheese, eggs (not more than 2 units per day). Deprecated with kidney disease: fish and mushroom broth, soups broths, fatty meats, duck, mushrooms, sausages, smoked meats, pickles, beans, sorrel, radishes, spinach, asparagus, onion, parsley, garlic, mustard, pepper, spices and spicy spices, organic coffee, chocolate, cocoa. Your assistant – plant preparations for preventing and treating kidney disease: Spring Yantra – cleansing the kidneys, tonic and antispasmodic, mild choleretic effect, which makes it possible to use the drug with stagnation in the gallbladder. Cleansing the kidneys and the whole excretory system using Yantra spring will give you a sense of health and a clean fresh vitality. The drug was created by Ukrainian specialists for inclusion in the comprehensive treatment and prevention of diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract. Vitatsin – is recommended for kidney and urinary tract stones in the kidneys and bladder, biliary disease, uterine bleeding, intestinal bleeding and hemorrhoids, edema associated with diseases of the cardiovascular system and kidneys, uric acid diathesis. Nefrovil – improves kidney and bladder. Used as a diuretic, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory agent, antiseptic and astringent properties. Order drugs You can Amrita online store – products for health
Monday, April 9th, 2018
You have to wander in the nearby woods and find medical plant, what you need, or they seek help from neighboring cottagers with considerable experience, they are sure will give seeds or plants and roots or advise where you can get these herbs. Fungi also be correct to characterize the product-of-town activities, since this is where mushrooms grow udast'sya easily and shoot a decent enough yield. Of course, we can produce a handwritten this food in the country prefer to purchase this product at a nearby market. Only now, buying mushrooms at the market, there is no confidence in the safety of these fungi: because for the time brought to the market is not clear where the mushrooms grew, how much time was stored and what kind of conditions so that the mushrooms growing on their site, you will not doubt their importance and environmental friendliness. Also an important fact in support their growth could be that in addition, that delicious mushrooms you can not only diversify the diet of his family, for which the fry of mushrooms, be sure to be the most delicious food, but also does not guarantee an extra source of income, the more that is nothing difficult in the process of growing mushrooms at their summer cottage there. So, your table is filled up properly and the right food, and profits will increase substantially in including low cost. The most straightforward way of planting at the site of mushrooms – the use of mycelium, the plain language of mycelium. Childcare needed mycelium in the forest, gently dig it and land on your land.
In as the basis of substrate mycelium sprinkle sawdust and periodically refreshing water. As a result, after proper care you will be able to eat right in the country for its mushrooms. By visiting this site, you learn much new information about mushrooms and medicinal herbs that can easily grow on your site and do not require special equipment or expensive fertilizers. How to properly collect and preserve magic mushrooms and herbs, recipes, their harvesting – all these and much else you will be able to find out on our site, the information on it is replenished with great speed, so you're sure, will find here a lot New and smart materials.
Wednesday, March 14th, 2018
Drying of medicinal plants has the task to stop the destructive activities of enzymes ('fermentation') and thereby prevent a long time in plants began operating from their changes. Drying of the collected material is usually in attics or under the shingles or metal roof, or in special drying sheds, and, finally, in drying, but not in the sun. When drying of the plants evaporates much of the water, and because plants lose the weight around so much: Grass – 70% of the leaves – 80%, flowers – 75%, roots – 65%, bark – 45%. The collected material was dried to preserve it contains active therapeutic substances. Such substances or organic compounds are alkaloids, glycosides, tannins, essential oils, vitamins, flavonoids, etc. The optimum temperature for drying of raw materials depends on the strength and other properties of the prisoners in it active drugs. Parts of plants containing essential oils (herb St. John's wort, peppermint, thyme, etc.), dried slowly, laying a thick layer at a temperature of 25 – 30 degrees C.
The amount of essential oil in them increases in raw-dried it will be larger than the fresh plant. Vitamin raw materials (rose hips, leaves, primrose, strawberry) are dried quickly at a temperature of 70-90 degrees C to prevent oxidation of ascorbic acid. However, in cases where a plant there, along with vitamins and essential oils (blackcurrant fruit), drying temperature should not exceed 50 – 60 degrees C. The well is drying material in the open air in good weather, especially in the wind. Under direct sunlight can dry mainly fruits, seeds and underground organs of many plants (rhizomes erect cinquefoil, mountaineer snake, rhizomes with roots burnet, etc.). With so most of the medicinal plants and especially their flowers, leaves and stems to dry in these conditions is impossible. In the light leaves turn yellow, the flowers fade, losing the natural color. Only in the shade should be dry raw materials containing essential oil (thyme herb, Oregano, etc.), glycosides (herb centaury zotichnogo, Leonurus heart, lily of the valley flowers, leaves, cranberries, etc.), vitamins (the leaves of wild strawberry, primrose and others) and other substances unstable to intense light.
Tuesday, October 10th, 2017
One of the most modern methods of hair removal is now a photo-epilation. Many women hastily written on the procedure, hoping to get a quick and painless solution for removing unwanted hair. So what is this procedure and how it is dangerous? Photoepilation – a progressive and modern method of hair removal, under the influence of high-momentum of light. Unlike laser hair removal epilation may affect the hair of any color and almost anywhere on the body. The method of this type of hair removal is based on the ability of melanin to take hair and absorb light.
The energy of the light pulse is directed to the destruction of the bulbs, and in This ultimately leads to loss of hair within a few days after the procedure. Now we need to talk about the dangers and contraindications for hair removal. Of course, no full-time medical examination before such a procedure is not do, but there are general guidelines. Contraindications for the procedure include acute and chronic skin diseases, inflammatory or infectious processes, varicose veins, diabetes, time pregnancy, diseases of the cardiovascular system and a predisposition to form keloids. In any case, before the procedure, no admission of photosensitizing drugs. This can cause the appearance of burns. For this reason, can not be performed with the use of photo-epilation oil.
Also, sometimes the procedure can not be performed because of sunburn. The highest efficiency of hair removal, in practice, is achieved with light skin and dark hair. Primary and most important problem that can arise in applying this type of hair removal – it burns. The devices are equipped with krypton lamps, which emit a broad wavelength range, which in some cases dangerous to humans. For additional security, such devices must be equipped with filtration and cooling. Therefore, the procedure for hair removal so it is important to only modern devices. At the risk of hair removal is the possibility of areas of hyperpigmentation, so the doctor may advise to be tested for photosensitivity. According to the results and judge possible complications. After hair removal pigmentation may occur, this may be due to non-doctor's recommendations, with a strong exposure to the sun earlier than two weeks after the procedure. In first two weeks is not recommended to tan, visit the solarium and applied to the skin to tan any means. In general, all the same, this procedure has many more pluses than minuses. It is painless, non-contact, carried out at short notice and comfortable. Subject to all rules and intelligent use of it quickly bring the expected result. The problem is that not all beauty salons can afford modern equipment. Therefore, you should pay in specialized clinics, whose authority is already known.
Sunday, December 27th, 2015
For the first time an operation to correct ears was performed in 1900 by German surgeon, Jacques Joseph. Operations conducted on the ears is called otoplasty. Surgery to correct ears enjoy continued popularity among patient clinics of aesthetic medicine. Most often, in plastic surgery clinics treat patients with droopy ears. Droopy ears are not considered a strong defect does not affect the hearing. The problems of patients who undergo otoplasty are more psychological (teased as a child, joke) and aesthetic (protruding ears look ugly) character. Surgery to correct droopy ears can even children who have reached a six-year age.
Otoplasty – an operation conducted on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia (for children, usually under general). Duration of surgery sostavlyaetv average 30-40 minutes. The advantages of such an operation should include the fact that surgical intervention has no effect on hearing. The operation is more of an aesthetic nature. Otoplasty is of two kinds – cosmetic and reconstructive. Cosmetic otoplasty. Cosmetic otoplasty – it operation to correct irregular ear or droopy ears.
Technique: the back of the ear is cut, dissected and the excess cartilage is removed or tuck for the formation of ear correct form. During the operation, you can adjust and protruding earlobe, removing the excess of fat on the back side. Incision is made behind the ear in the crease, so that after healing and scarring was visible. There is also a method of laser otoplasty. Unlike the usual laser otoplasty is to use a laser scalpel, which makes the incisions are smaller and correspondingly less traumatize the ear. Reconstructive Otoplasty. Reconstructive Otoplasty – is to restore all or part of the ear. This operation is much more complex and consists of four phases. In the first phase of the rib cartilage cartilaginous skeleton of the patient create a future ear. On the second – this frame is placed in a subcutaneous pocket formed in place of the absent ear. When this frame accustomed (2-6 months), it is disconnected from the head with moving the ear lobe to the desired position, and in the field emerged BTE cover the wound with skin graft of the patient. In what form and deepen the tragus. After the operation: the patient is discharged through several hours after surgery.
Sunday, May 4th, 2014
In conditions similar to the fridge, honey can be kept forever. Propolis – the same way. There is a very unstable products – royal Milk, for example. It is fit for several hours. Question: Does a spoon of honey every day on an empty stomach – the secret to good health? Answer: Yes, of course.
But the best way to take in honey diluted with water, and time dilution should not exceed 20 minutes. Q: Is Certified products, you are using a treatment? In general, bees to be certified? A: As for the bees just can not say. In terms of agriculture and nutrition certification shall be subject to the apiary. Certification is subject to honey, and are not subject to certification of other bee products. Q: Are your bees are certified? Hive, from which you get them? Answer: No, a separate certificate for I do not have bees.
I am not aware of such requirements by the regulatory authorities. Q: Do you have permission to use this method? A: Currently I am in the process of licensing. Question: Approved by a method different kinds of structures? Answer: Yes, of course. Apitherapy is included in the register of medical specialties, it is the traditional method. Q: It is treated by this method is low back pain (namely, the displacement vertebral discs), or only eases pain? Answer: Osteochondrosis is treated. Disks and herniated disks are restored, it all depends on the degree. Question: Can I do uzhalivanie yourself? A: It is necessary appropriate education. Or a person with whom you can consult. But in general things are, so that the beekeeper himself – treats, his family – treats that surround people – treats. It's everywhere. Even kings were treated exactly beekeepers, not doctors. Question: Is the treatment of alopecia bee venom? Answer: Yes, there are recipes. There is a description. I can cite the example of myself: I periodically podzhalivayu himself the crown, there is a slowing of hair, he can not estimate (Laughs), but around say that held her hair. Q: At what age can apply products containing bee venom and other bee products? A: Honey, propolis and royal jelly can be used with infancy. General recommendations for the use of bee venom – from 7 years and this is associated with the formation of the immune system. However, each case must be considered separately. Q: Why are honey cough drops below? Answer: The properties of honey can not produce such an effect. Q: What if an unauthorized bee sting? Answer: If bitten knows that he is allergic to bee venom, it is necessary to take antihistamine, and if there are no pharmacies, then drink at least 100 grams of vodka. The child should be given plenty of drink, remove the stinger, apply to the bite, and pack water to see a specialist.
Sunday, March 30th, 2014
By This same technology can replace the old ugly metal fillings to white ones. Pain factor: only on the cauterized Where: Budapest, Cost: Roughly the same as in the conventional method of manufacture of crowns and formulation of fillings – from 215 euros. You want: Implants Before: up to 6 months now: less than 2 hours Product: Mini-implant How it works: every one of us could lose a tooth because of inflammation in the gums or during the injury. The best way to compensate for the loss of a tooth is to install the implants, when implanted titanium pin into the bone tissue, and it is worn the crown. That means no bridges, less bone loss and lower risk of gum disease. But the old method of setting implants meant unpleasant visits to the dentist when the pin is implanted into bone tissue, and then closed with stitches, followed by a long 6 months to wait before Fitting the crown on the pin. Now, a new method – a mini-implants are inserted during the same visit a dentist, and their value is equal to just one-third of the usual cost of implants. Mini-implants inserted through the gum, their length is only 6 mm – which is almost 2 times shorter than conventional pins.
Prior to that, had to spend this operation, and the invention of mini-implants you wash come to the dentist with a hole on the spot missing tooth, and leave after 2 hours the tooth, which looks very like his own. Pain factor: only on the injection of anesthetic injection, and the method itself is much less painful than the conventional method. Cost: 750 lb Where: in the UK you want: your gums should not be visible at a smile Before: up to 4 months of recovery time is now: a few days Product: Gum Lift When the gum line is uneven, or too let down, it can allow you a few years. Usually reduces the length of the gums with a scalpel – it's painful and extremely unpleasant. Now the dentist cuts the gum with a laser scalpel, which immediately allows the blood vessels closed while the patient is virtually no pain. Teeth immediately become longer visually, and it automatically makes you younger. Pain factor: very low, because it uses a local anesthetic in the form of gels. Where: UK
Thursday, March 6th, 2014
May 7-8, in the Odessa Church of Scientology Dianetics was the weekly seminar Hubbard. The seminar was dedicated to the sixtieth birthday of the legendary book out of self-help, "Dianetics," which broke like thunder of the blue May 9, 1950. On Friday and Saturday in Odessa Church of Scientology parishioners came to the workshop of Vinnytsia, Khmelnytsky and Ilyichevsk. To understand why people come from all over Ukraine, Yalta to Lviv, in the Saturday, parishioners gathered on the evening of the graduates at 19.00, where graduates of the seminar shared their triumphs over pain and suffering. Here's what some of them said: "In the beginning of the workshop, I felt uncomfortable, and I as usual It was cold. And during the procedures of Dianetics, I learned that it started at the time of my birth. After the passage of this incident, I no longer feel cold.
" Marina. "At the seminar, I was surprised to learn information on the causes of my illness and bad luck. During the seminar, I realized why I (Candidate Master of Sports) of heart disease. Why am I so negative (to say the least) to react in my life situation and Some people from my environment. Before the seminar I was slowly dying man's condition, ever tired of. I'm tired of life, I wanted to change something, but I did not know that!? It seemed to me that I am 100% forgave the former my husband and it's not affected me, but …
Now I realize that everything can change and be healthy without drugs. I wonder what would happen next. " Hope. The purpose of Dianetics – a new state of man, where he will be able to get rid of irrational behavior towards themselves and their loved ones will live much happier lives. People looking for ways to find such a state throughout history, but it has never been achieved. Now possible. This state is called in Dianetics Clear (pure, clear). Two-day workshops Hubbard Dianetics and continue to be held throughout Ukraine on the weekends. And anyone who wants to improve their lives, will now be able attend such seminars, to help it to someone to get rid of suffering, as well as to receive such assistance itself. Founder of Dianetics, a scholar and philosopher of the XX century L. Ron Hubbard said about those who went on to Dianetic route: "You expect an adventure. So to him and take. And yes do not stay the way you were before. " For more information contact: Pushkinskaya 44 Zaplatkin Oleg E-mail: Tel. O674873394