Posts Tagged ‘psychology’

Astrology. Twelfth House

Wednesday, February 6th, 2019

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Twelfth house – it is also social workers and social security, 'a social security' and similar institutions. This is a night shelter for the homeless, shelters for children and adults and the life of 'homeless' as a whole. In the Soviet Union were medical dispensaries labor (LTP) – is also the twelfth house. Twelfth House – is medical sobering-up stations. Twelfth House – is the secret enemies of man and his secret backers (with good figures of the twelve home natal chart Rights), were not revealed, hidden, not to diagnose disease. Twelfth House – is an illusion and subconscious fears of people, as well as self-sacrifice and self-restraint, but at the same time, the twelfth house – it's hidden reserves of man. Twelfth house – it also blows the secret, the possibility of suicide, but also the possibility of insight, enlightenment, away from society and people. For even more analysis, hear from Josyann Abisaab. Twelfth house – it's all hidden and covert action man of intrigue, initiated by the person or against the person.

Twelfth House – the home of treason and traitors, the house closed societies, sects, secret societies, clandestine groups of people who consider themselves smarter than (above) and spiritual others. For example, many terrible sect, often worship the devil or are widespread in human history 'Freemasons' – Masonic lodges, substitute the idea of God, the idea of a Great Architect Universe. People love to be secret, and members 'elected' among others. Therefore, the various sects and Masonic lodges many researchers are often very influential and high ranking.


Sunday, November 18th, 2018

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You want to be healthy and have a great feeling. But do not know how to do it. Then read this article. In it you'll know why you're sick and you need to do to istseleniya.Chasto so happens, that many diseases are hard treatable. They become chronic.

And whatever you do, full recovery does not come. And there are only short-term improvement. Why is this happening? Because you treat the disease rather than its prichinu.Psihologi has long been established that in most cases, each disease is associated with certain thoughts and emotions. For example, the cause of constipation – it's greed and attachment to the past. A heart playing tricks on excessive feelings of guilt.

And in order to stop having problems with the chair should learn to easily let go my past, and become more generous person. And to heal the heart – to get rid of the guilt and to establish the rhythm of life. So the first thing you should do – is to find the psychological causes of his illness. There are many authors who provide a complete description of diseases and their causes. The more famous of them – this is Louise Hay, B. and B. Zhikarentsev Sinelnikov. Read their books, or visit our website for more informatsiey.Kogda you decide to negative thoughts that trigger your disease, you need to change old beliefs with new ones. In this case you Affirmations can help. What are affirmations? This is a positive attitude, which are programming your mind for healing and new way of perceiving the surrounding deystvitelnosti.Esli take heart problems, your new idea would read as follows: "My heart beats to the rhythm of love and harmony." And also, "I break from the burden of guilt. Now I know that guilt does not exist, but there are bugs that make me stronger. " Then, when you will make your affirmation, you should pronounce it daily, and as often as possible. Your affirmation must gain power. You have to believe in her and then she helps you on the path to istseleniyu.Krome positive thoughts, I recommend that you use visualization. Think of a healthy person and full of energy. Think of your body healthy. Do this daily until the ailments do not retreat in storonu.Pomimo implementation of these effective techniques, you need to BELIEVE in MY HEALING. Belief in yourself is the foundation. Without it, you will not get the expected results. Without it, all your actions – it is a waste of time. Realize that each person chooses what he believes. And you, too. And if you believe in the disease, you'll get sick. And if you believe in healing, then you will become healthier.

The Habit

Tuesday, February 21st, 2017

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At the beginning, fifteen or twenty minutes are enough so that you start to usufruct of the benefits of the practical one, but if still thus this time will be very long, divides the practical one in three or four meditations of 5 minutes during the day, in schedules as soon after to wake up, a bit before the lunch, and after the bath when we arrive in house after the work imports, it is to develop the habit, and with the time you will obtain to meditar for more time. Another one meditation technique, that also can be used in the daily one, and the external comment of the proper acts, that is, consists of you to exactly observe itself ahead of a situation or a problem, as if you were in high of a mountain observing the you yourselves if putting into motion there under; This technique is sufficiently functional when we want to analyze a conflict situation, when we observe the situation as if we were it are of it, we obtain to better enxergar the attitudes that we take and that we had not perceived before, or words that we said and we did not want to have said. To look at the situation of it are, it provides the increase of the critical sense, and the discernment of its acts, collaborating so that you are more cautious in its action, thinking better before acting ahead of situations where you meet under pressure, thus preventing, generating factors of the suffering and estresse of it. In the third part of the article, I go to give some tips so that you organize its day and find the time that she needs to carry through daily practical its of meditation, increasing its daily performance. One remembers that one has lain without trainings has proper will and in them it takes the thoughts that many times we do not want to have, somatizando pernicious emotions for our physical and mental health, causing problems in our personal and professional life.

Life’s Difficulties

Wednesday, July 22nd, 2015

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People are leading a hard, hard life, and have a clear line of Saturn on its hands. Including those engaged in heavy physical work: bricklayers, steelworkers, longshoremen, etc. People living in villages, the villages have a line Saturn. People whose lives are full of continuous stress, a strong psychological tension, too, have a line of Saturn on its hands. Saturn's line is all people on planet earth, regardless of race or nationality, of their work and way of life. This can make every reader, just by looking at the palm of the representatives of any race nationality.

Astrologically the planet Saturn affects all people on Earth, including their life and patterns of palms. In the natal chart of every person on Earth is the planet Saturn and the Capricorn and the tenth house, symbolically associated with Saturn and reflect their influence on the palms of any person. Saturn – the planet of Doom and Karma. Every person on Earth has its own destiny, and they deserved Karma. Saturn also indicates (on the palms and in the horoscope), the influence of higher forces on the person. No man on earth who does not obey the influence of the higher forces. God by the planet Saturn (His servants) always leaves a mark lines on the palms of all people, including line and Saturn (karma). Examples of absurd opinions palmists about patterns of lines and marks on the palms can cause a lot. But this is not the purpose of this book and would require too much space.

Scientology Dianetics

Thursday, March 6th, 2014

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May 7-8, in the Odessa Church of Scientology Dianetics was the weekly seminar Hubbard. The seminar was dedicated to the sixtieth birthday of the legendary book out of self-help, "Dianetics," which broke like thunder of the blue May 9, 1950. On Friday and Saturday in Odessa Church of Scientology parishioners came to the workshop of Vinnytsia, Khmelnytsky and Ilyichevsk. To understand why people come from all over Ukraine, Yalta to Lviv, in the Saturday, parishioners gathered on the evening of the graduates at 19.00, where graduates of the seminar shared their triumphs over pain and suffering. Here's what some of them said: "In the beginning of the workshop, I felt uncomfortable, and I as usual It was cold. And during the procedures of Dianetics, I learned that it started at the time of my birth. After the passage of this incident, I no longer feel cold.

" Marina. "At the seminar, I was surprised to learn information on the causes of my illness and bad luck. During the seminar, I realized why I (Candidate Master of Sports) of heart disease. Why am I so negative (to say the least) to react in my life situation and Some people from my environment. Before the seminar I was slowly dying man's condition, ever tired of. I'm tired of life, I wanted to change something, but I did not know that!? It seemed to me that I am 100% forgave the former my husband and it's not affected me, but …

Now I realize that everything can change and be healthy without drugs. I wonder what would happen next. " Hope. The purpose of Dianetics – a new state of man, where he will be able to get rid of irrational behavior towards themselves and their loved ones will live much happier lives. People looking for ways to find such a state throughout history, but it has never been achieved. Now possible. This state is called in Dianetics Clear (pure, clear). Two-day workshops Hubbard Dianetics and continue to be held throughout Ukraine on the weekends. And anyone who wants to improve their lives, will now be able attend such seminars, to help it to someone to get rid of suffering, as well as to receive such assistance itself. Founder of Dianetics, a scholar and philosopher of the XX century L. Ron Hubbard said about those who went on to Dianetic route: "You expect an adventure. So to him and take. And yes do not stay the way you were before. " For more information contact: Pushkinskaya 44 Zaplatkin Oleg E-mail: Tel. O674873394

A Good Psychologist In Moscow: Where And How To Find ?

Friday, October 18th, 2013

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Many people ask about where to find a good psychologist in Moscow, how to distinguish the professional from the amateur in advance, before the consultation? After all, sometimes it is necessary to take a risk by attending the first consultation in the hope that after all you do not be deceived and will take you to the person who can help you, but do not run into a charlatan or a dilettante. This is a risk, because for the first consultation in any case have to pay, even if her you realize that it is 'not your' psychologist. A novice who pretend to be a good one psihologovv Moscow now can not count, unfortunately. Newcomers at least just do not give you any results, but with charlatans and amateurs is not the case. They can do even worse than it was! But it's all words, and do-then what? How and where to find a really good psychologist in Moscow, as known to be at least partially ensure that the result of visits to a psychologist to be positive? Someone probably scared, save and forget about the very idea to visit a psychologist. And someone will read to the end of this article and fight well, before I go to a specialist. After all, it does not mean that you should not even go to psychologist should be solved somehow their problems, hoarding every year. All the more so on their own does not work. In this article I'll show you exactly how to get to a good psychologist in Moscow, lowering the risk to almost zero, as well as how not to overpay for the advice of a professional.