Wednesday, July 24th, 2019
Employees 18 years of age, properly trained, have the right to license to drive trucks, no have contraindications to the floor when the individual works in front of a tolerance for independent work must go: the mandatory pre-(if applying for a job) and periodic (during labor activity) medical examinations and screening for recognition fit to perform work in accordance with the Russian Ministry of Health, training in safe methods and techniques of work performance, training on safety, training in the workplace and validation of knowledge of labor protection requirements. 1.2. Drivers must comply with safety to ensure protection from exposure to dangerous and harmful production factors associated with nature of the job: moving machinery, mechanisms, and their moving parts, increased dust and fumes in the air of working area, increased noise and vibration in the workplace, emotional overload. 1.3. To protect against mechanical effects of pollution and drivers must use the provided free by employers cotton overalls, gloves are combined and warmed to the suits and boots for laying winter. 1.4.
Being in the construction (production) site in the industrial and domestic buildings, areas and work places drivers must abide by the rules of the internal labor regulations adopted in the organization. Admission of outsiders, as well as employees in the influence of alcohol at these places is prohibited. 1.5. In day to day activities of the drivers must: apply in the process machines and mechanisms for their intended purpose in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions, to maintain order in the workplace, clean them of debris, snow, ice, and prevent violations and storage of materials structures, be careful while working and to prevent violations of the requirements of safety.