Archive for April, 2012

Model Technique

Friday, April 27th, 2012

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Lines of direction for a Model of Integral Assistance to the Mental Health in Brazil, 2006.) 4,4 SHELTER Shelter is the first contact with who in the search, from which the sequncia of atendimentos will be defined all, he is ' ' the opening of the game of xadrez' ' as in Freud teaches to them. It is the moment where all the resources of service is ranks to the test: who takes care of; what it can offer; as it can receive, evaluate and discriminate the demand. &amp hisses Jnior; Mascarenhas (2004) detaches three dimensions of attendance: position, technique and principle of reorientation of the service. The first dimension (position) implies the humanizada and receptive attitude of the professionals when receiving, listening to and to deal with the demands the users; implying relation of mutual interest, confidence and support. This dimension in such a way encloses the relations between the professionals and users as well as the relations intra-team, as democratic relations, that stimulate the participation, autonomy and collective decision.

The shelter as technique is the use of knowing professional to produce answers to the user. When one is about the multiprofessional team, has the joint of the different ones to know, searching to surpass the spalling in the search of construction of new answers to the emergent demands. shelter, in the perspective of the reorientation of the service, is in the center of the proposal of the organizacional project, that is the base that guides the work of the professionals, the process in team, the qualification search. The supervision is detached, in this last item, as an important way of organization of the service and of daily accompaniment of of work assuring the joint the shelter enters in such a way as attitude how much technique, what it would imply one definitive conception of clinic stops beyond the selection protocols.

Nabuco Health

Monday, April 2nd, 2012

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Fueron used preguntas objective, of where los participants demostraron un conocimiento on el proceso of acreditacin. Conclusin: If concluye that el desarrollo propuesta for ONA since sus beginnings ha adoptee wools norms techniques en el Only System of Acreditacin, the traverse woollen precursory initiative to mejorar el servicio system al profesional customer y, lo that allows there mejora continues en there conocimiento atencin y el, mejorando calidad in well-taken care of los There woollen salud. Words clave: Acreditacin, woollen Mejora Calidad * Study carried through in the University Braz Cubas in the Mogi City of Cruzes (SP), Brazil. 1Graduandos in Nursing? Mogi of Crosses, So Paulo (SP) Brazil. 2 Master in Sciences; Clinic of Nefrologia and Transplantes Renal, Orienting Teacher of the University Braz Cubas. Corresponding author: Luciene Ftima Snows Hunter Barros R: Joaquin de Nabuco n 60 Garden Saint Helena, Po.

CEP: 08553 – 560 email: luciene-neves@ INTRODUCTION the 1988 constitution defined the health as a universal social right, making with that in such a way the hospitals left to be the nuclei of assistencial model, convening the municipality management of the crafts of health that started to observe the seriousness of the development of pautados managemental agencies with abalanamento of the benefits offered to the population. (1) When reaching to the decade of 90 they entirely appear in Brazil pautadas regional actions with sector of the health department, in June of 1995, with the definition of the planning of security and perfectioning of the quality in health. (1) the idea of the planning of security and perfectioning of the quality in health enclosed the opinion the national committee of quality and operosidade of which they were part beyond the technological alliance of the program, messenger of suppliers of services, of the medical division, assessorship technique signed up to the domain of the quality and representatives of the users of the health services.