Thursday, March 24th, 2016
I go to speak of an easy subject of being understood and used by all. RECYCLING. All in we know that our planet to them this sick person for guilt of the man who lives cutting to the trees, poluindo our waters, ground and air. We can help our planet is very easy, is enough that let us recycle what we use almost everything can be reaproveitado. They see as: The cardboard that we use to pack ours you move can manufactures come back it and if to transform into a new box or another type of packing.
The bottle pet that we drink our delicious cooling one can be reaproveitado in many utilities for our home as: ornaments, serve to make brooms, clothes, books that are more durable of what the normal ones, etc.? Latinha of cooling can manufactures be come back it melted and if it transforms into new latinha, utensils for our home, or if to transform into parts for car as into Germany? The cans of conserves that we also buy (maize, olives, palmitos, candies, mass of tomatoe, etc.) can be reaproveitadas. The plastic canisters that we buy with products of cleannesses for ours homes also are reaproveitadas being melted the plastic and if it transforms into new utensils. Today in our city ' exists an association of catadores; ' ASCAPEU' ' that unhappyly it does not function although to have support of the city hall. Its you only lead think about its profit giving damage to the other catadores. What it functions they are the catadores that are not associates ' ' ASCAPEU' '. Many of them are to hiper organized although not to have support of the city hall. They separate and classify the collected material all and order for the plants for the recycling. The mayor not of the no support they, therefore they are of opposition the opinion of the mayor.
Sunday, March 20th, 2016
When choosing a baby bike should take into account the weight of the bike. It should be fairly easy, because not only you will always be his home. Choosing child bike depends on the growth of the child. Sitting on a bicycle saddle found in the lower position, the heel of the child must reach the pedals, situated in the lower phase. Approximate matching of child bicycle scheme, depending on the child's growth Wheel diameter, inches Height child, cm Approximate age 12 inches to 98 cm 3, 12, 14 inches to 104 cm 3-4 years 14 and 16 inches up to 110 cm 4-5 years 16, 18 inches to 116 cm 5-6 years 18, 20 inches to 122 cm 6 -7 years 18 and 20 inches up to 128 cm 7-8 years 20, 20-inch stock.
to 134 cm 8-9 years 20, 20-inch stock. to 140 cm 9-10 years 20, 20-inch stock. to 146 cm 10-11 years 20 inches warehouse. up to 152 cm 11.12 age 24 in stock. to 158 cm 12-13 years 24-inch stock. to 164 cm of 13-14 years is necessary to consider the build quality when buying any bike. Consult with the seller. Do not buy a bike without a child! He has to sit on it, a little ride.
The kid can just do not like the chosen color without it. Saddle should be soft, comfortable. You can not buy a bike "for growth." It may just be dangerous – because the manufacturer always takes into account age features and correlates them with product specifications. Enjoy your ride! Source: – Sale of bicycles and wholesale.
Thursday, March 10th, 2016
Electric bicycles? Electric – assisted bicycles-(b-e – to) are bikes with an electric motor that guarantees the displacement. The electric bicycle differs from a conventional bicycle by having three complementary components: an electric motor, a battery and a controller. Unlike a bike or a scooter, electric bicycle rides are with the help of pedals, as soon as its maintenance excluding electrical components, is not unlike a conventional bicycle maintenance. -When you are in electric bicycle, you can enjoy all the pleasures of riding as a normal bike and without much effort can overcome the 50 km using the pedals. -The load capacity of your slippage – A depends on the mains and not the price of oil.
-Another advantage of the b-e – A, ease of maintenance. To recharge the battery that runs only needed an outlet, while it takes him home as a bicycle normal-if the battery charging has finished, you can continue with the pedals. – Quiet, not like a bike, it does not pollute the air with exhaust fumes, is simple and inexpensive to maintain. Your electric bicycle, as well as a conventional bicycle, can store in her home, in an apartment, there is no smell of oil and gasoline. -Can travel with their slippage – A on the train. -The electric assisted bicycle allows you to adjust your workout surpassing inclines and distances, even if the people are not trained. -In spite of the presence of motor, electric bicycle is regarded as a normal bicycle and this fact does not need insurance and records, is one of the most affordable types such as hybrid vehicles. Parametrosmotor power: 180W-250WCargador: 220V/50 Hz battery (accumulator): of 24V/3Ah to 36V/10AhTiempo load: 4 to 8 h speed: up to 25 km/h distance trips without recharging: 30 to 60 km.
Thursday, March 10th, 2016
To date, there are four main types of bicycles: city, road, mountain and special (Trial, children ). All the other bikes are a 'hybrid' combinations of these four types. In general, cases a combination of size (diameter) wheel, the number and type of shock – almost uniquely determines the class to which the bicycle itself, although there are exceptions. By the number of bicycle shock absorbers divided into classes such as: Rigid (Rigid) bike without shocks. So for example shocks never put on road bikes and bmx bikes. So it could be a city bike or mountain bike the initial model. This, often, or specialized sports apparatus or entry-level bike on which the plug is not for the sake of economy Hardtail (HardTail) bike with front suspension fork.
To date – the most common type of bicycle suspension fork makes the bike more manageable (especially roads), and the ride more comfortable. Depending on the purpose bike – the forks travel can be from 30 to 300mm. Dvuhpodves (Full Suspension) Bicycle with front and rear shock absorber. Bikes of this class are as comfortable city bikes, ultralight dvuhpodvesami with low speed shock for cross country and heaviest 'machines' for downhill ('Down Hill'). This, often, or specialized sports apparatus or bike for a comfortable ride at no great distance.
Softteyl (SoftTail) bike with front suspension fork, whose feathers are back triangles have a special geometry for added cushioning. Sometimes, instead of feathers set korotkohodnye shock absorbers. It is usually very expensive and specialized racing bikes for Cross-country.
Sunday, March 6th, 2016
Each selection step is illustrated with an advance view of the desired fixie version and the current price displayed. Thanks to modern programming standards, page also smartphones and tablets such as the iPad or iPhone is compatible. The snake rides website is technically at the highest level and this only allows the customization of the desired bicycle. The rest happens naturally when snake rides then still quite similar: the base-fixie frame are powder coated only according to the orders according to RAL colours and then she equips desire meet founder Dieter Beck as the third member of the group in the company’s own workshop with the components. Urban trend is now it chic to the bike after the style of life that is green, especially in the cities, with the wheel to drive, as driving becomes increasingly attractive in the major cities.
Young adults took the car less and less. With 18 years of driving, has not longer top Priority. Dr. Martin Kargebauer comes to this conclusion by the Institute of transportation of the Karlsruhe Institute of technology (KIT), which annually conducts the German mobility Panel for Germany around 1500 people are questioned. A way of explanation for this behavior is the proliferation of the Internet, with many transactions can be done online. Also the bike evolved increasingly becoming a status symbol of for 18 to 35 year olds, especially in the urban image of the city there are more and more young people who want to move from ideological or economic reasons prefer a stylish bike and with its own muscle power.
Thus snake is located fully in the trend of Collnessfaktor included. And it speaks even more to ride a bike: it of cheap, healthy, very flexible and causes no emissions. About snake rides: The online store is the 01.05.2011 started and was of the two online specialists Patrick Schindler and Jan Rembold, as well as the bicycle entrepreneur Dieter Beck founded. The company is headquartered in Endingen located near the bicycle city of Freiburg im Breisgau. In accordance with the philosophy, your bike design as it should be”let fixie – single speed individually put together or bicycles up and order directly. A considerable number of orders already exist the Start-Up, which mostly marketed via social networks and enjoys already growing notoriety.