Archive for December, 2011

Healthy Digestion

Tuesday, December 20th, 2011

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For example, you can read 20 minutes lecture, focusing all his attention on her, and then relax, and, rest should be generous in time – 10 – 15 minutes. Of course, during the rest do not have to switch to other visual stimuli (TV, display laptop, photo). It is advisable to do minor exercise in a small volume to have enough time to relax. Thus, we observe the classic "golden rule" – namely, alternating between intellectual work and physical activity. In no case can not be neglected night's sleep.

If you do not sleep, even the easy stuff to digest easily, and heavy and even more so is viewed with disgust. In these cases, much will be "in transit" through your memory, and eventually formed a meaningless jumble of words and phrases. It's important not to lose sight of taking a shower. In addition to courage, which he offered this procedure, the water helps to remove static, which accumulates in the body continuously, preventing the transmission of nerve impulses to the brain. Create the right mood during the session helps to green.

Like the traffic lights, he seamlessly put you through hard road of preparation for exams. Write on green sheets of paper, if possible, prepare for exams in a room or office with green walls, choose a more green items of clothing. This color eases. Violet is an excellent complement to the green so that it strengthens the long-term memory, so it makes sense on the day of the exam to wear something purple. Of food during the session should be paid focus on fruits and vegetables. Do not forget about vitamins. However, abuse in any case, of course, inappropriate. If any educational material can not be remembering, not to be annoyed at myself. Expedient on memorization. In nine cases out of ten such cribs do not even need an exam. But it must be complied with one condition: You check your account at the time of writing, cribs, and not think about anything else. Immediately before the examination should be avoided emotion experience. The surest way – to think about time and imagine the events after the completion of the exam. Draw yourself a bright cheerful picture of the near future – Freedom, relief, satisfaction with themselves. And then all the fears will certainly evaporate – on their shift will come good and, most importantly, the right mood – an adequate examination setting.

Exotic Fruit Juices

Wednesday, December 14th, 2011

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They found that the exotic fruit juice (then called it a lemon) stopped the development of scurvy. However, they did not know anything about vitamins. A French spy trying to explain to his king, that The British queen has signed a secret order to use in marine expeditions syrup lemon. But the "paddling" It seemed ridiculous. Time has shown who was right, because it is the English were able to swim to the New Zealand, Australia and other territories. This example shows that observation, the ability to draw conclusions and gain for yourself to help mankind survive and thrive. Today still, the modern science thinks he knows more than God. Produce products with uncertain unusual effects.

Trying to influence the intellect and the human psyche. Nevertheless, humanity needs to grow IQ (intelligence quotient) potential users of the network. After all scheduled flights to other planets. So we are looking for "the elixir of life", "elixir of youth", forgetting that nature wiser than us and she needed to learn. We have over 20 years, promoted the thesis – learn from the bees. We "discovered" the wonderful product, which "produces" the bee more than 50 million years.

This product retains the genetic and physical health of the younger generation. This product provides energy, health and cheerfulness, stimulates the intellect, survival, adaptation. For 20 years we have learned to assemble this product, do not spoil it, and to convey to the person. Every day we are surprised its usefulness. Even called it "Vinibis" – the life of an encore. Above us laugh and call us naive, Pchelkin. Theoretical pharmacologists do not believe that it helps people to improve their psychological and physical health, although experience and practice demonstrates that improves. I think that someday these scientists putting a lot of experiments on frogs, find the cause of the usefulness of this phenomenal product of beekeeping. But we remember the story of a lemon. Let them laugh "splash" in the end must absorb the cosmic ocean we will need special products that preserve the health of the crew. This will help him "Vinibis."