Saturday, September 24th, 2022
Lifestyle and social structure in the work of WL Warner Pekarska Maria Mikhailovna post-graduate Institute of Sociology of NAS of Belarus, Minsk, Belarus E-mail: Modern societies are going through complicated processes transformation of social structures. Persistent economic and political reforms carried out in all states, give rise to the decay of traditional classes and strata, stimulate the emergence of "new" inequalities. king through. Poverty discrimination, inequality are integral to the phenomena of most developed societies. The mechanisms that transform simple differences in social inequalities are becoming more complex. Universally observed tendency of weakening the position of the middle class, increase the instability of the situation, as members of the lower and upper classes, however, the observed increase in the status of the layer of highly egalitarian workers high-tech. All this makes a major change in lifestyles from different social classes, forcing researchers to consider the life-style criteria of social stratification in the identification of structure.
Focus on the impact of lifestyle on the distribution of people within the structure of the stratification of society has paid U.S. researcher William Lloyd Warner. He spent the stratification research America have confirmed that the profession and property are the major factors that determine the position in society and social behavior. But at the same time, he noted, and a number of factors that should also be sure to taken into account. The basis of his conception of the social structure of American society W. Warner taking behavior and to provide people who have shaped the style and life. Analyzing the empirical data of specific Studies on the classes, status and mobility, William Warner, downplaying the significance of several economic factors to understand the class, for which he has repeatedly been criticized, puts a premium on social prestige and style life on the basis of which happened to relate all the people to a particular class. According to the concept of social classes uornerovskoy may discover through analysis of behavior and attitudes of people or the same as was done by William Warner in fact, a combined analysis of both, which ultimately gave the characteristic style of life, which is dominant for the representatives of a class.
The main condition for the vertical upward mobility is the social recognition of social status group at higher levels. In order for this to happen, a person must have the same values and behavior, which is characterized by its new surroundings. Representatives of a class united by the same values and same behavior, develops the same for all lifestyles. Warner noted that, as a rule, a person its environment is attributed to the same status as that of his family, so promotion of the individual up or down the stairs of the stratification is recognized only if this movement involved the whole family. Theoretical analysis and review of studies of the stratification structure of American society Warner to identify common trends in the modern system of social stratification in the Republic of Belarus, to build complex model of the class structure of the Belarusian society, including in its socio-cultural factors. References 1. Duke, D. Class society without class conflicts / / Social Stratification: Collection / Russian Academy of Sciences. – M., 1992. – 1. 2. Warner WL, PSLunt The social life of a modern community. – New Haven, 1941.
Wednesday, September 14th, 2022
preceded by the old style for all the historical events as: the date of the old style – the earlier, and the new style – later. And for Christmas (and other religious and historical events) – On the contrary: the date of the new style – earlier (25 December), and the date of the old style – later (January 7). Once again, look closely at the table top. What’s the catch? The catch lies in that phrase, which reads (the vast most of the people and said) that the Orthodox celebrate Christmas on the Julian calendar on Jan. 7. See: After December 23 the new style that comes? begins December 24 (also, respectively, in the new style) after 24 comes 25 December to the new style, when Catholics celebrate the Christmas, after December 25, new style comes on Dec. 26, new style, while on Dec. 27, new style, then 28 December (New Style!) and so on , January 1, New Style, , January 6, new style, which comes after January 7, new style, when in the end and Orthodox can poprazdnovat Christmas Hear that January 7 comes in the new style.
Got it? The phrase ‘ the Orthodox celebrate Christmas on Jan. 7 in the old style ‘- wrong. Correct to say that Catholics celebrate Christmas on December 25, new style, and Orthodox celebrate Christmas on Jan. 7 but also by the new style. That is the style (as a researcher, historical, astronomical term) in this sentence, it is desirable to omit: “Catholics celebrate Christmas on December 25, and Orthodox – January 7, ‘- and all! So right!
Wednesday, August 31st, 2022
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Saturday, February 2nd, 2019
Until the moment, a drug does not exist that is antiviral in use physician and that this has an action accomplishes against the virus affection. The symptomatic treatments of the fever, chronic headaches, mialgias and arthralgias must be carried through in the benign cases and of indiferenciada fever, however, the use of salicilatos must be prevented, therefore these can cause hemorrhages digestivas. recommended therefore the use of paracetamol. Fosnseca and Figueiredo (2006). Graph 5: Percentage of errors and rightnesss on the substance that must be excluded the use in case of suspicion of Affection. When questioned on the substance that must be excluded the use in affection case, 63,15 of the participant citizens had made right, indicating that in suspicion of Affection cidoacetilssalicilico does not have to be ingested (AAS), proving that they go to know what they do not have to ingest suspecting of a case affection.
The use of salicilatos must be prevented, therefore these can cause digestive hemorrhages are recommended therefore the use of paracetamol. A related site: Dr. Josyann Abisaab mentions similar findings. (Fosnseca and Figueiredo, 2006). Graph 6: Percentage of errors and rightnesss on what if it must ingest with suspicion of Affection in the impossibility of if directing to one unit of health. When questioned on what if it must ingest with suspicion of affection in the impossibility of if directing to a unit of health, 92,1% of the participant citizens had made right, indicating that in this situation it must be made use of paracetamol and verbal hidratao in abundance thus preventing the hemorrhage risk, showing that they had not committed the error to ingest a wrong medication and to aggravate its state. The mosquito aedes aegypti in its phase would wash, inhabits in clean water and stop, water stored for domestic use, or in any place that have clean and accumulated water. Health department (BRAZIL, 1996, p.17). Graph 7: Percentage of errors and rightnesss on the places propcipos to the proliferation of the mosquito Aedes Aegypti.
Friday, March 10th, 2017
In connection with the situation in the Rostov region in the Volgograd region to the dangers of bird flu is treated with special care. After detection of avian influenza from the neighbors, in the Volgograd region, increased control for the prevention of this disease. This information was voiced at the meeting of the operational headquarters for the prevention and elimination of particularly dangerous and infectious diseases in the region, which was held under the chairmanship of Vice-Governor Paul Chumakov. According to the press service, the meeting noted that the joint work of all authorized bodies, heads of poultry farms to implement a comprehensive prevention plan allowed up to now prevent the emergence of highly dangerous and contagious diseases in the region. Regional Department of Veterinary Specialists in conjunction with staff Rosselkhoznadzor conduct comprehensive inspections at poultry plants. Strengthened veterinary and sanitary control and supervision over the implementation of the meat birds in the markets under the special supervision of inter-regional transport poultry, hatching eggs and edible. Avian influenza and went to Africa.
Two cases of infection in poultry H5-N1 virus detected in the African republic of Benin. About , Minister of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries of the country Dovonu Roger. According to him, the results of laboratory tests in Italy showed that poultry on farms north of the capital of Benin, Porto- Novo and Cotonou, near the town of infected deadly to humans of avian influenza. It turns out that guilt is so frequent outbreaks of avian influenza in recent years may be warming. .
Wednesday, July 22nd, 2015
Almost all of us who are still alive – all chasing a phantom shadow of his own happiness. And those few that do not participate in this race – or was found or was desperate … I do not know. Because they do not know of any personally … someone faster, someone slowly, someone obviously, stubborn, passionate, someone quietly, almost inaudibly. "Spinning like proteins in the meat grinder …." Where to start? And do, do-what? Here, perhaps, there is no ready-made recipes. More precisely – there are no general recipes ready, all equally suitable, equally effective for all. Why? Yes, because all of us, thank God, so different! Everyone has their own particular psychology, perception, different life experiences, etc.
etc. etc … And yet, in different recipes, schools, techniques certainly have common points. Here let's look at them and. First. Stop! Stop and get off the squirrel wheel. Do not worry about it, believe me – it will spin without you.
Now you can quietly contemplate not twitching! By the way, If you do this first, just doing this will get better. How? I can not tell, we are all different. How will it be you – I can not know. I only know what will. If you have already passed this step, I recommend periodically forget it, because our life is such that it is constantly increasing pace draws us back, "the wheel". Second. Determined. Happiness – it's so clear! It is clear to everyone what it is! That's why most people even does not occur to speculate (!) on this topic. That's why most people are "dreaming" about what they show in commercials and soap operas. And spend their lives in "the eternal race" for the imposed values. Do you meditate. It is, happiness, then, is different for everyone. And it will be obvious to you when to reflect. Think, Imagine it – your happiness, describe it. It was then, and help equipment, schools and techniques. Breakdown, look for it. Third. Do. Subtle point. It seems to be (As with happiness) and everything is clear, however … so many people and hang on the last two words of the previous stage. And try and look, try and look all the time … something to read (and proofread yet!), All the time to write more and more courses, newsletters … Such a drive! I know because I passed. Here magic helps pendel, for example. For example, the first step: stop! Do. Do something already. And you will be …:)
Thursday, January 23rd, 2014
Currently, the global crisis is very acute problem potavil the success of the Directorate in the business sector. Constantly 'floating' business methods revealed unwillingness of management to changing conditions, get a job. In connection with this highly topical issue was such as leadership training. There are many types of education and each has its own advantages and disadvantages, but most superovskimi and izveysneyshimi on the moment there are seminars and training sessions. Types of seminars and training strongly lot. Known professional training and personal training, business training and corporate training. Basically everything is on purpose, want koiyu reach management.
Trainings and seminars – all professionals. The result of the training, workshop and its effectiveness depends on how early a special conducting such training, on how this professional will be able to communicate with management. That team training firm – primary factor in the high total students. Great fame now enjoyed business seminars and business training for leaders. And this is not unexpected, because only the first person responsible for it of their managers, he is responsible for all activities of the company. And mismanagement will inevitably lead to a fall enterprise.
And why should conclude that education – not a whim but a necessity for now. Known professional training and personal training, business training and corporate training. Basically everything comes from goals koiyu want to reach management. Trainings and seminars – all professionals. The result of the training, workshop and its effectiveness depends on how early a special conducting such training, from of how this professional will be able to communicate with management. That team training firm – primary factor in the high total enrollment. Great fame now enjoyed business seminars and business training for managers.
Tuesday, December 20th, 2011
For example, you can read 20 minutes lecture, focusing all his attention on her, and then relax, and, rest should be generous in time – 10 – 15 minutes. Of course, during the rest do not have to switch to other visual stimuli (TV, display laptop, photo). It is advisable to do minor exercise in a small volume to have enough time to relax. Thus, we observe the classic "golden rule" – namely, alternating between intellectual work and physical activity. In no case can not be neglected night's sleep.
If you do not sleep, even the easy stuff to digest easily, and heavy and even more so is viewed with disgust. In these cases, much will be "in transit" through your memory, and eventually formed a meaningless jumble of words and phrases. It's important not to lose sight of taking a shower. In addition to courage, which he offered this procedure, the water helps to remove static, which accumulates in the body continuously, preventing the transmission of nerve impulses to the brain. Create the right mood during the session helps to green.
Like the traffic lights, he seamlessly put you through hard road of preparation for exams. Write on green sheets of paper, if possible, prepare for exams in a room or office with green walls, choose a more green items of clothing. This color eases. Violet is an excellent complement to the green so that it strengthens the long-term memory, so it makes sense on the day of the exam to wear something purple. Of food during the session should be paid focus on fruits and vegetables. Do not forget about vitamins. However, abuse in any case, of course, inappropriate. If any educational material can not be remembering, not to be annoyed at myself. Expedient on memorization. In nine cases out of ten such cribs do not even need an exam. But it must be complied with one condition: You check your account at the time of writing, cribs, and not think about anything else. Immediately before the examination should be avoided emotion experience. The surest way – to think about time and imagine the events after the completion of the exam. Draw yourself a bright cheerful picture of the near future – Freedom, relief, satisfaction with themselves. And then all the fears will certainly evaporate – on their shift will come good and, most importantly, the right mood – an adequate examination setting.