Social Structure
Lifestyle and social structure in the work of WL Warner Pekarska Maria Mikhailovna post-graduate Institute of Sociology of NAS of Belarus, Minsk, Belarus E-mail: Modern societies are going through complicated processes transformation of social structures. Persistent economic and political reforms carried out in all states, give rise to the decay of traditional classes and strata, stimulate the emergence of "new" inequalities. king through. Poverty discrimination, inequality are integral to the phenomena of most developed societies. The mechanisms that transform simple differences in social inequalities are becoming more complex. Universally observed tendency of weakening the position of the middle class, increase the instability of the situation, as members of the lower and upper classes, however, the observed increase in the status of the layer of highly egalitarian workers high-tech. All this makes a major change in lifestyles from different social classes, forcing researchers to consider the life-style criteria of social stratification in the identification of structure.
Focus on the impact of lifestyle on the distribution of people within the structure of the stratification of society has paid U.S. researcher William Lloyd Warner. He spent the stratification research America have confirmed that the profession and property are the major factors that determine the position in society and social behavior. But at the same time, he noted, and a number of factors that should also be sure to taken into account. The basis of his conception of the social structure of American society W. Warner taking behavior and to provide people who have shaped the style and life. Analyzing the empirical data of specific Studies on the classes, status and mobility, William Warner, downplaying the significance of several economic factors to understand the class, for which he has repeatedly been criticized, puts a premium on social prestige and style life on the basis of which happened to relate all the people to a particular class. According to the concept of social classes uornerovskoy may discover through analysis of behavior and attitudes of people or the same as was done by William Warner in fact, a combined analysis of both, which ultimately gave the characteristic style of life, which is dominant for the representatives of a class.
The main condition for the vertical upward mobility is the social recognition of social status group at higher levels. In order for this to happen, a person must have the same values and behavior, which is characterized by its new surroundings. Representatives of a class united by the same values and same behavior, develops the same for all lifestyles. Warner noted that, as a rule, a person its environment is attributed to the same status as that of his family, so promotion of the individual up or down the stairs of the stratification is recognized only if this movement involved the whole family. Theoretical analysis and review of studies of the stratification structure of American society Warner to identify common trends in the modern system of social stratification in the Republic of Belarus, to build complex model of the class structure of the Belarusian society, including in its socio-cultural factors. References 1. Duke, D. Class society without class conflicts / / Social Stratification: Collection / Russian Academy of Sciences. – M., 1992. – 1. 2. Warner WL, PSLunt The social life of a modern community. – New Haven, 1941.
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