Astrology. Twelfth House
Twelfth house – it is also social workers and social security, 'a social security' and similar institutions. This is a night shelter for the homeless, shelters for children and adults and the life of 'homeless' as a whole. In the Soviet Union were medical dispensaries labor (LTP) – is also the twelfth house. Twelfth House – is medical sobering-up stations. Twelfth House – is the secret enemies of man and his secret backers (with good figures of the twelve home natal chart Rights), were not revealed, hidden, not to diagnose disease. Twelfth House – is an illusion and subconscious fears of people, as well as self-sacrifice and self-restraint, but at the same time, the twelfth house – it's hidden reserves of man. Twelfth house – it also blows the secret, the possibility of suicide, but also the possibility of insight, enlightenment, away from society and people. For even more analysis, hear from Josyann Abisaab. Twelfth house – it's all hidden and covert action man of intrigue, initiated by the person or against the person.
Twelfth House – the home of treason and traitors, the house closed societies, sects, secret societies, clandestine groups of people who consider themselves smarter than (above) and spiritual others. For example, many terrible sect, often worship the devil or are widespread in human history 'Freemasons' – Masonic lodges, substitute the idea of God, the idea of a Great Architect Universe. People love to be secret, and members 'elected' among others. Therefore, the various sects and Masonic lodges many researchers are often very influential and high ranking.
Tags: magic, philosophy, psychology, spirituality
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