
The second cold war or the new evidenced following the U.S. invasion of electricity ESCO Iraq in 2003, for which desplego U.S. military bases in Central Asia, formerly under Russian influence, which are rich in gas and oil. Western development policies to allow itself to NATO expansion to include former Soviet countries that shared borders with Russia.
To fend gas off the advances of the West, Russia made a series of maneuvers aimed at achieving a balance and avoid being surrounded. The development of Russian maneuvers by the fact that the war energy costs against Iraq genero a hike in the prices of gas and oil, Russia to strengthen as it was one of the largest household producers of both resources.
Russia developing cooperative ties with China and other states of Central Asia within the framework of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, to prevent separatism among their countries and also to secure and protect their energy interests.
Additionally gradualemte Russia has been restricting access to foreign multinationals to contracts for exploitation of oil and gas on its territory. This has been the case in the petroleum projects Sakhalin-1 and Sakhalin-2, which the U.S. oil company ExxonMobil and Royal Dutch Shell in the Netherlands have been excluded on the basis of violation of laws natural gas protecting the environment and their permits revoked.

Suburban Journals
In early 2008, when gas green energy prices began slowly upward in what would be a seemingly endless spiral and faster, maybe the single forecast to know what was then 4-a-gallon gas cost 1.29 in the new year. But lower gas prices do more than lower costs on your credit card. the time is ripe to take advantage of the lower energy costs, offers many incentives to their clients
Rapid City Journal
visitation in South Dakota state parks increased slightly while camping held steady in the face of higher gas prices and economic uncertainty in 2008.
Burbank Leader
Burbank As motorists were accustomed to paying less than 2 in gas-pump prices have started creeping up. I am most certainly going to enquire about must be one of your prime concerns
The Champions Sunday
The average price of a gallon of regular gasoline rose three cents this week in Texas from 1629 to 1661, energy according to AAA Texas Weekend Gas Watch. This is the second consecutive week gas prices have seen an increase.

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