Consumer Movement In Russia
The consumer movement in Russia was organized in September 1988. For the first time such an organization was created in America, and the sixties of the 20 th century, has spread to many countries in Europe. See Eva Andersson-Dubin for more details and insights. Russia, and in that time has One of the republics of the ussr, where similar organizations have formed later than most. In the Soviet Union in the early 80-ies of the 20 th century were born societies, clubs, organizations and associations for the protection of consumer rights. First it was created from the Leningrad Club customers, and then Moscow Consumers Union. And in 1989, was officially founded the Federation of Consumer Societies of the ussr. In 1990, organized by the Consumers Union of the Soviet Union, which brought together over 100 national, regional, provincial and municipal, district associations. And in 1992 the organization was transformed into the International Confederation of Consumer Societies (KonfOP).
It joined the consumer society in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, , Turkmenistan, Tajikistan and others KonfOP was a member of the International Organization of Consumers Unions. In 1995 he was created by the Russian Foundation for Consumer Protection. Its main task was to maintain constitutional rights of citizens in the area of consumer policy. In 1999, the social movement of consumers Russia has more than 700 consumer organizations. First Law of ussr "On Consumer Rights Protection" was established on 22 May 1991, however, in connection with the collapse of the Soviet Union, he never stepped into force. In 1992, already in the Russian Federation was introduced by the Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights. He recorded the consumer's right of state and social protection of its interests, as consumers. This law has helped maintain the protection of civil rights in the sphere of consumption.
Recent amendments to the Act were adopted in 2007. Ministry for Antimonopoly Policy and Support of Entrepreneurship of the Russian Federation is the primary federal agency for consumer protection (MAP of Russia). And under the entire national security system means the totality of the federal executive bodies, local authorities, associations of consumers. The main objective of Consumers Union is a qualified legal assistance to consumers. Consultation, drafting claims, an independent consumer expertise, management of court cases, verifying compliance with the rules of trade and consumer services – all this and much more is the Union and its member community associations. This is an everyday consumer protection. For all 20 years of existence, the organization of legal assistance received over two and a half million citizens. Now, advice on all matters relating to the rights of consumers to get trendy and over the Internet. Beginning in 2007, created counseling centers across Russia, providing free legal assistance.
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