Dementia Care

Her age is just a number you alone determine your vitality before 8 weeks I went with 41 seniors and senior citizens of Andorra with the bus to the famous monastery of Montserrat nearby Barcelona. My announcement early in the morning at breakfast: “Please bring the card”. “” Prior to departure from the hotel again the question: “you all have your ID?” General nod. Learn more about this with patrick yang. And the Spanish border? Mild panic due to forgotten papers – what to do? Should actually return by taxi to the hotel to get the cards means but longer stays in the border. And just keep going? I have the risk, if on the way back, the border guards should be not so generous as is customary.

That is to say: anger, waiting a taxi pick up the cards at the hotel, evt. even high penalties. “” At the monastery of Montserrat my repeat three times: “be please, at three o’clock on the bus on the return journey.” Half past four three guests are missing, which sit in the courtyard of the monastery of your question: “what you had said?”… Posters want to sell us just something else: grey-haired men on the Harley and young-at-heart couples wandering in the mountains of Andorra! Is it all that bad! When there not right next to it on the newsstand increasingly appeared headlines about dementia, emergency care, Alzheimer’s disease or patient available! Therefore, I am as experienced tour guides and senior companions with old, lonely and sick. Why should remain the Colosseum in Rome and the Eiffel Tower in Paris forever hidden, just because it is tied to a wheelchair or has memory lapses? Even severely disabled mum was sitting with proud 90 on an Indian camel and was overjoyed.

Get tips from experience about individual care, age appropriate housing, dealing with Dementen, but also to senior citizens travel regularly. I am about a lively exchange of experience. And who knows, maybe we go soon along on trips? Now the exclusive city tour or the Opera in my Hometown of Dresden or the unforgettable trip to Andorra: I lead exciting and safe throughout Europe. Rudiger Werner


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