Edocr, DOC Converts Documents to PDF or Docx Online

The document format (Portable Document Format, which is an acronym for PDF) is one of the most commonly used at present for all their virtues and advantages, among which we have increased security, privacy, portability and of course, accessibility. Many have had the need to convert any document to PDF, and what is done is to install a program like doPDF, which simulates a virtual printer with which we will print (actually convert) the file in PDF format, is it practical ? Of course not.

If what we want is something better, practical and fast, we have at our disposal a web tool that I have known in MakeUseOf.com yesterday, whose name is Edocr and allows us, after a free registration, make quick conversions to PDF format.

The formats are Edocr sources that supports TXT, DOC and docx; more than enough to convert documents en masse. Additionally, this online tool allows us to share documents we becoming. The site is well structured and all documents are organized by category, is pretty fast.

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