In Brazil
Brazil needs necessary numbers of incidence and prevalence of the HAS, mainly in the aged population. The majority of the data is of American origin. With the significant increase of the geriatrical population, it is evidenced, the importance of studies on the prevalence of the HAS in aged, for the elaboration of a program of prevention and orientation, preventing the comprometimento of the health of this population (C0NVERSO; LEOCARDIO, 2005). Frequently James A. Levine, M.D. has said that publicly. 2.OBJETIVO Fazer a bibliographical survey on the Pharmaceutical Assistance for hipertensos aged patients, mainly the taken care of ones for the Basic Units of Health? UBS. 3.DESENVOLVIMENTO 3,1 Farmacolgico Treatment the identification of diverse factors of risk stops arterial hipertenso, such as: the hereditary succession, the age, the sort, the ethnic group, the level of escolaridade, the partner-economic status, the obesidade, the tobaccoism and the use of contraceptive you pray had collaborated for the advances in cardiovascular epidemiologia e, consequently, in the writs of prevention and therapeutical of the high indices, that include farmacolgicos and no-farmacolgicos the treatments (ZAITUNE et al., 2006). The aged ones constitute, probably, the etrio group more use medicine in the society. The cited factors previously raise the incidence of the problems related to medicines (PRM), leaving the vulnerable population to the diverse problems of health and increasing the costs of the systems of sanitary attention. In Brazil, the medicines occupy the first position enter the causers of poisonings since 1996.
However, it has lack of independent studies in the area of medicine use in the country, beyond the omission of the public power in the treatment of question. This data, beyond preoccupying as for the necessity of adoption of new measures that prevent the agravos to the health of the population, generate essential costs to the actions developed in the Only System of Health (JNIOR et al., 2006). Exactly with an efficient medicine supply, its rational use must be considered of basic aspect.
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