
The collection of data was initiated in the first semester of 2010 and was concluded in as the semester of the year of 2010. We verify in the analysis of the data that to initiate the treatment of the Autista child is necessary to identify the Upheaval, therefore the similarity with other syndromes makes it difficult the diagnosis. The treatment must be specific for the Syndrome, leading in consideration the communicative deficit. The boarding of the Nurse must be differentiated, having this professional to study alternative ways to assist in the development of the child, being worked the ability of if communicating, therefore this aid in the interaction of the child with the society. The Nurse, as part of the multiprofessional team, must be intent the valuation of the verbalizao, that must be inserted in the process to take care of.

Word-Key: Autismo, Assistance of Nursing, Autista Child, Communication. 1-Introduction This research is inserted in the research line Relationship and Communication in Nursing, having as dominant areas the Nursing in the care to the Health of the Child and the Adolescent and Mental Health. Each time more children are diagnosised with a mannering Syndrome that qualitatively compromises the communication, the social interaction and the use of the imagination (Assumpo Jr 2000), if becoming this indifferent individual the way where she is. This upheaval is related as Autismo being able to be classified as: it has led, moderate or serious. The parents of autista child, in the first months of life of the baby, can start to notice certain changes that they indicate that something is missed. They can notice that the child is acting in strange way, refusing objects, visual contact common or to speak. The child does not use gestures to compensate the lack of speaks. Not of ' ' oi' ' , ' ' tchau' ' (grifos ours) or any another fulfilment and, does not point for what it wants (CARLOTA, 2008).


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