Louvre Museum in

Louvre Museum in Paris. A museum (the Latino Museum and this in turn Greek) is a public or private, permanent, or non-profit, serving the society and its development, and open to the public, which acquires, conserves, researches, communicates and exhibits or exhibits, for purposes of study, education and enjoyment of art collections, scientific, etc.., always with a cultural value, according to the International Council of Museums (ICOM). The science that studies them is called the art museum and museology management. Such collections, often valuable, existed from antiquity, the temples were kept in objects of worship or offerings that occasionally were shown to the public so he could look at them and admiring them.The same happened with the valuables and art works collected some members of the aristocracy in Greece and Rome had them exposed in their homes, their gardens and taught with pride to friends and visitors. It is in the Renaissance when given the name “museum” as we understand it today to buildings specifically dedicated to such statements. Then there are art galleries, showing paintings and sculptures. Its name derives from the galleries (the palaces and castles), which were the spacious halls of elongated shape, with many windows or open and supported by columns or pillars, for moments of rest and the display of ornaments, many Sometimes works of art. Vista Palace (Winter Palace) from Palace Square (St. Petersburg) in July 2024

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