MouseImp Pro Beam Scroll Without Resorting to Scrollbars

Would you like to be able to scroll in documents and windows just dragging the content up or down? Well now you can with MouseImp Pro. This application of open source allows us to dispense with the traditional scroll bars and move both vertically and horizontally in the same way as we do in PDF documents.

To do this we must have the application running in the background (barely uses 600 KB of RAM), and drag the mouse button elements of the window in the opposite direction to where we want to do scroll. There is also an option for anchor is dragging, and thus move without having to keep pressing the right button all the time (only a fraction of a second), namely push the button once, then drag the pointer And when we fail to move back to click.

This function is very useful especially in laptops, which sometimes move documents by using a small trackpad becomes a bit tedious. Moreover, if we do not have to accommodate the move in the opposite direction to where we want to go, we can reverse this setting, along with being able to change the mouse button with which the function is activated. And if we use the button but we have configured to do something else (for example, access the contextual menu) without activating the scroll just have to keep down the CTRL key (or we choose) while we click.

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