November 1: Election of the Generalitat Government of Catalonia. After the votes were CiU obtained 48 seats, the PSC gets 37 ERC gets 21, the PP gets 14, IC 12 and rises to the new platform Citizens (C’s) achieved 3 seats. In this way, the government emerged from a coalition of the Socialist Party of Catalonia (PSC), Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya (ERC) and Iniciativa per Catalunya Verds-Esquerra Unida i Alternativa (ICV-EUiA), known as the Tripartite catalan. The chairman of the community will be the leader of the PSC, Jose Montilla.
November 1: the city of Oruro in Bolivia, celebrates 400 years of its foundation with a Te Deum, fireworks and performances by the Orchestra Sinfonica of Oruro.
November 1: In the village of Tierradentro (Cordoba, Colombia), FARC attacked the police station, killing 17 soldiers and 3 civilians.
November 1: At the UN, Venezuela and Guatemala reach a consensus candidate for the seat on the Security Council, it will be Panama occupies the site.
November 1, the Stardust Resort and Casino closes after 55 years of business in Las Vegas.
Stardust Resort and Casino.
November 3: Science magazine predicted that by the year 2048, 90 of life forms in the sea will be extinct.
November 4: Four television channel starts broadcasting in the hit anime Naruto opened.
November 4: A power outage in the utility E. ON caused blackouts in several European countries as Germany, France, Italy, Belgium, Spain, Portugal and North Africa.
November 5: In Iraq, Saddam Hussein and two of his colleagues are convicted by the court deems them to death by hanging for the killing of 148 Iraqi Shiites from the village of Duyail in 1983.
November 5: 1.a first round of presidential elections in Nicaragua, where the former Sandinista president Daniel Ortega as a favorite.
November 5: PSC, ERC and ICV reach a tripartite agreement for the reissue, which will allow you to keep the government of the Generalitat of Catalonia. The socialist candidate Jose Montilla will be the new president of the Generalitat.
Nancy Pelosi and Steny Hoyer with President Bush on November 9, 2006
November 7: The Ibex 35 reaches an elevation of 14,000 points, just one month and a half after more than 13,000.
November 7: in EE. UU. Legislative elections are held. Clear defeat of the Republican Party, which lost control of the House of Representatives, the Senate and most in the number of governors of the states of the Union.
November 7: Americans in the parliamentary elections, Democrat of Minnesota, Keith Ellison became the first Muslim elected to the House of Representatives.
November 7: The Japanese city of Saroma (Hokkaido) is hit by a tornado, killing nine people. This is the deadliest tornado that has come to Japan since 1941.
November 8: The Supreme Electoral Council of Nicaragua confirms the victory of Daniel Ortega in the elections held on November 6, it will become the new president.
November 8: Donald Rumsfeld resigned from his post as U.S. Secretary of Defense. UU. Because of the criticism received by its foreign policy and the Republican Party’s defeat in the midterm elections held the previous day. President George W. Bush proposed as his replacement Robert Gates a former CIA director.
November 8: occurs transit of Mercury to the Sun
November 8: Margaret Chan was elected director general of the World Health Organization.
November 11: In Japan, Sony brings to its new console sales, the PlayStation 3.
November 12: A military bus Tucapel river falls (VIII Region of Chile), leaving about 20 dead, including 3 civilians. This accident is the second most seriousmilitary tragedy in times of peace in the country’s history.
November 12: South Ossetia held a referendum in which he wondered: Should South Ossetia retain its present status of a de facto state independiente’ . 99 of voters support independence.
Location of South Ossetia in Georgia.
November 13: the presidents of Brazil and Venezuela, Hugo Chavez and Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva inaugurated the bridge Orinoquia second bridge built over the Orinoco River.
November 15: in Puerto Rico began to implement the IVU (Sales and Use Tax).
November 16: in Uruguay, Juan Mar a Bordaberry (1928), de facto president of Uruguay in the period between 1971 and 1973, and his foreign minister, Juan Carlos Blanco (1934), are sentenced to prison for crimes of co-authorship of intellectual killing two guerrillas and two Uruguayan legislators Tupamaros.
November 16: In Mexico City, the Federal District Legislative Assembly approved the Law on Cohabitation, which provides that all persons living in a house will inherit and have protection from her partner, which was also a step called for the LGBT community (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transvestites) in Mexico.
November 17: In Canada and USA. UU., Sony launched the PlayStation 3, but delayed its launch in Europe until March 2007.
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