Power Problems: Many Have It – No One Talks About It
About power problems will not like to talk, but about half of all men suffer from more than 40 years, at least temporarily lower. Stakeholders are, therefore, with their clinical picture is not alone – and yet it is difficult for many to admit the problem. Potency disorders may be manifested by different symptoms. The offender may, for example an erection long enough to maintain, or the penis is not stiff enough for sexual intercourse. In addition, orgasm or ejaculation can not be controlled, making it an early (premature ejaculation), or may lead a delayed (ejaculatio retarda) ejaculation. Among the frequent power disruptions include the erectile dysfunction. The person concerned is not in a position to (erection sufficient for sexual intercourse, stiffness) to obtain the penis, or it can not be sustained long enough. Causes and diagnosis of the causes of power disturbances are many. For one can physicallyInclude factors such as internal diseases, disorders of the endocrine or nerve damage, the reason for the lack of potency. Second, psychological components that play a role. In addition, certain medications can lead to erectile problems. To determine the exact cause of the complaints, the person concerned must be thoroughly questioned. Using special procedures may come into question diseases are limited. For example, using the gift of a sex hormone and the subsequent production of ultrasound images of blood flow to the penis be determined. Treatment of potency disorders potency disorders in the partnership are often associated with a high level of distress for both partners. The first step in the treatment of erectile dysfunction should be an open dialogue with the partner. There are many ways to treat problems with potency. Firstly, using syringes, tablets, or a mechanical means Harnrhrenapplikators an erection can be supported. There are severalPrescription Potency), which for the treatment in question will come and place their use because of potential contraindications and side effects under medical supervision should .. Second, the care can be helpful by a psychologist to get an erectile dysfunction permanently under control. The therapy consists of one part mental health care, the other an erection with syringes, tablets, or a mechanical means Harnrhrenapplikator can be promoted. The medication must be carried out due to potential contraindications and side effects under medical supervision. Who speaks his problems openly and entrusted to an expert, has the chance to successfully treat his symptoms.
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