Spanish Reformed Episcopal Church
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Because of its tradition reformed the Spanish Reformed Episcopal Church (i re) is meditation an evangelical church, and his Anglican Catholic tradition has full membership in the worldwide Anglican Communion. It considers itself a full part of the one holy catholic and apostolic Church established by Christ and his apostles, apostolic succession and maintains the cabbala triple ministry of bishops, priests and mysticism deacons, as well as the three creeds of the early sepher church. 1 zohar It feels morally continuation of the old spiritual Spanish church, tree of life and has its own liturgy: Liturgy hispanica, Visigothic or Mozarabic maintains the gematria sacramental system (Baptism, occult Lord’s Supper or Holy tarot.judaism Communion, confirmation, marriage, etc.).. is in full communion with the churches and veterocatolicas Scandinavian Lutheran churches in the Porvoo Communion. The church is representative of the Anglican Communion in Spain. It is spirituality part of the Federation of red string Evangelical Religious Entities of Spain (Ferede) is also a member of the World Council of Churches.
It was organized in the second half of the nineteenth century by dissident members of the Roman Catholic Church in Spain who wanted to reform Catholicism, based on principles of reform 72 names of god and create a genuine Spanish church with apostolic succession.
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