Synchronizing with Gmail Contacts Agenda
Since Applesfera taught us how to add synchronization of our Gmail contacts with Agenda Mac X, but more than one insurance that has given him problems mainly because Gmail contacts are totally independent of contacts Google Talk / Gmail Chat producing losses of them to synchronize with Agenda.
The solution is simple, when you synchronize our contacts for the first time, we do not. First backup Gmail Contacts (Contacts> Export), backup contacts Calendar (File> Export> archive Agenda).
Once done, we must change our contacts agenda so that mail from Gmail is under another type, instead of Home, Work, etc.. and the user of instant messaging as Google Talk and Jabber protocol. Just as with the mail, not put it serves as Home, Work, etc.. I know, is a PeƱaza.
Once you have configured the thus must synchronize via iSync. It’s pretty comfortable place the icon in the taskbar (iSync> Preferences> Show status in menu bar) to perform the synchronization, either manually or to view on automatic updates of the contacts. Once this is done, we can synchronize with iSync by clicking Sync. I recommend that copies contacts from Gmail Agenda, being rather more simple management of contacts afterwards.
Rather, it is likely that certain problems occur. Let’s look at some of those we found:
We have doubled the contacts.
You can use the functionality of up to detect duplicates and merge the cards. Remember that as a final state, must sort mail and Google Talk as another type of messaging Jabber.
All my contacts have disappeared from Google Talk / Gmail Chat.
The typical case. End editing contacts in Address Book, resynchronization with Gmail and found that shares data. Once you have it ready, you should not add a touch contact, as I did the first time. Use iChat with Agenda.
Create a new group of smart contacts? Username IM? ? contains? ? @ in Agenda, which will include all users who use Google Talk, select all contacts of this group and drag it to iChat (pre-configured with your Gmail account / Google Talk), while waiting for your contacts you re-add .
If you’ve Agenda synchronized with Gmail correctly the first time, you should not have problems in subsequent syncs, already have an iPhone / Touch iPod or not.
Good luck and tell us your experience when you synchronize.
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