The Estado Novo
After the military coup of May 28, 1926, Gomes da Costa approves the Decree of July 5, 1926 which guaranteed freedom of thought “or whatever other security censorship”, but insist on the prohibition of outrages upon institutions Republican and any behavior that you cause to the public. The press law of the new executive military repeats almost verbatim the safeguards of Article 13 of the press law of the First Republic, allowing the freedom of criticism and discussion of laws, political and religious doctrines, acts of government, etc.. Always they had to “clarify and prepare public opinion for the necessary reforms (…)”. But shortly after the July 29, is reset prior censorship. The Estado Novo I never assumed a censorial position, avoiding even discuss the matter, which often was brought to Parliament. The study restricted to the law almost can lead to the belief in a fairly permissive. On May 27, 1927 is the reformed law of literary property that supposedly guaranteed the right of publication in print, regardless of prior censorship. A decree of September 3, 1926 extended this conception of press freedom overseas, which should be governed by the same principles defined for the metropolis, which would be enshrined in the law of June 27, 1927. The Portuguese Constitution of 1933, published on April 11, comes at a time that the order 22 469. Whereas Article 8a of the Constitution, in navarre 4, provides “freedom of thought in any form” in navarre 20 states that “special laws regulating the exercise of freedom of thought” – the fifth section 3A states, and the only constitution in the Portuguese history that specifies the subject, the role of censorship will be “to prevent the perversion of public opinion in its role as a social force and must be exercised in a way that upholds all the factors against the disoriented truth, justice, morality, good governance and the common good and to avoid being attacked the fundamental principles of organization of society “- clearly that the government reserves for itself the criteria for what would be the truth, justice, morality, and so on. In fact, the sera Ant nio de Oliveira Salazar read this year that “The men, groups, classes, see, observe things, studying the events in the light of your interest. Only one entity, by duty and position, has to do everything in the light of the interest of all. ” 22 Decree 469 is to establish explicit censorship in newspapers, flyers, brochures, posters and other publications, provided that either of them is dealing with matters of political or social. “
Ant nio de Oliveira Salazar, the inauguration of the National Secretariat of Information: “Politically, there is only what the public knows it exists.”
On May 14, 1936 is the foundation of regulated and prohibited the newspaper from publishing advertisements official (state) in some of them, other than the State to fund their enemies, in addition to prohibiting the entry into Portugal any publication that is not according to criteria of the Portuguese Government. Standards Services Censorship was adopted in November of that year, but it was not published in the Journal of Government. Anyone who would like to create a newspaper or magazine had, since then, which require senior management approval of that body. While, during the First Republic, censored spaces should appear in white as a sign of censorship, the new attempt, by all means, delete these signals, forcing the newspaper to completely alter the organization of the pages a few hours before exiting. Added to this is that sometimes had to submit evidence to the committee of censorship, so keeping a journal to be unbearablywasteful for some publishers, who eventually go into default – it is clear that the commissions of censure punished especially to the newspapers with this kind of rebel demand. In 1944, the agency became dependent censorship of the National Secretariat of Information, which, in turn, was under the authority of the President of the Council (Salazar). Armed with the famous “blue pencil”, which cut across text considered inappropriate, the censors in each district or city, despite receiving generic instructions regarding the most sensitive issues, varied greatly in degree of severity. In fact, it was observed that there were regions of the country where they were more permissive and others where they were overly repressive. This was due to the fact constitute a very heterogeneous group at the intellectual level.
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