The Habit

At the beginning, fifteen or twenty minutes are enough so that you start to usufruct of the benefits of the practical one, but if still thus this time will be very long, divides the practical one in three or four meditations of 5 minutes during the day, in schedules as soon after to wake up, a bit before the lunch, and after the bath when we arrive in house after the work imports, it is to develop the habit, and with the time you will obtain to meditar for more time. Another one meditation technique, that also can be used in the daily one, and the external comment of the proper acts, that is, consists of you to exactly observe itself ahead of a situation or a problem, as if you were in high of a mountain observing the you yourselves if putting into motion there under; This technique is sufficiently functional when we want to analyze a conflict situation, when we observe the situation as if we were it are of it, we obtain to better enxergar the attitudes that we take and that we had not perceived before, or words that we said and we did not want to have said. To look at the situation of it are, it provides the increase of the critical sense, and the discernment of its acts, collaborating so that you are more cautious in its action, thinking better before acting ahead of situations where you meet under pressure, thus preventing, generating factors of the suffering and estresse of it. In the third part of the article, I go to give some tips so that you organize its day and find the time that she needs to carry through daily practical its of meditation, increasing its daily performance. One remembers that one has lain without trainings has proper will and in them it takes the thoughts that many times we do not want to have, somatizando pernicious emotions for our physical and mental health, causing problems in our personal and professional life.


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