Titles of works
Titles of works written in other alphabets Cinabrium spoke up that if titles are not maintained as in its orignal language would need to know the peculiarities of each language, and puts on some examples of languages that use the Latin alphabet (the Vietnamese and Indonesian currently do). Remains to find out what we do with other alphabets also case-sensitive. When playing a title in Greek or Cyrillic and keep it as standard is not in their original language, which to copy what letters need to know how to change and how. – User: Javier (formerly citam without d) Tell 11:14 16 Jan 2009 (UTC) Yes, so who knows the rules of that alphabet corrected the title. Those who know these rules are not many, but neither are many titles in Greek and Cyrillic! What we have is a vast majority of thousands of titles in English, and English standards are not that complicated.Most titles are also simple things like In my life or I love you, and in the compilation of sources, we realized that most of them are written incorrectly. Maybe it’s easier to close the issue in general terms (so we can correct quietly simple titles like these), and open a subtitle as “Specific Issues of capitalization” to clarify if we write “Wake Me Up When September Ends” or “Wake Me Up When September Ends” and things like that. – Moraleh 04:48 9 Feb 2009 (UTC) http://es.wikipedia.org/w/index.php title Wikipedia Discusi C3 B3n: Manual de estilo action section 18 If anyone has anything else to add, then I will remove the warning in the manual at the beginning of the section, which warns about this thread: the most important thing is done, and the topic defined in general terms.I will also footnotes with the references page top most appropriate proposals. – Moraleh 20:00 2 Mar 2009 (UTC) No. That section should have been changed in the beginning because there was no consensus. Still does not have, so it should reverse the change. Read again the discussion. I’m not saying it’s clear that I am right and it is clear that those who think like me are right, it would be an arrogance that fortunately do not have, nor do I say all is said and things are unclear (ie, my position is clear, and my position is the only one that’s worth), because it would be equally immoral, but what I can say is that there are two conflicting positions on this issue, they have both Argument, and no consensus could be reached.Lampsakos (Talk) 23:15, 2 March 2009 (UTC) Indeed there are those who advocate one form and another, and with arguments: some say that “we must ‘respect’ original writing” and others defend the order and uniformity to deliver the information. What has faced such a scenario Sources have been used to weight the area (whose basic assumptions are far more weight and authority than the views of us Wikipedians!) And all, absolutely all of them agree that the most appropriate way is to bring Spanish-style capitalization. Fortunately you, Lampsakos not “have that arrogance” to say that you’re right, but neither have proper support, and here are those who can prove conclusively that they have. Actually, the difference is clear and does not know what else is expected. – Moraleh 18:58 6 Mar 2009 (UTC) acknowledge the existence of other opinions, that is good and the main thing.However, poorly defined in your resume when you say that some propose “respect” in quotes, because you do not know in quotes, “What do you note about the word respect Also, you say that another view, which will include defending the order and uniformity. Both proposals defend the order and uniformity, which is also given in the other proposal, not yours, not altering the original titles of the works. I think the latter the better uniformity and better order. He said, I think I recognize the existence of more than one opinion. And while the aesthetic conventions for writing that we take on Wikipedia are result of consensus, sources may support either view, it shall present an argument (NPS), but there are those that determine the style you choose, but consensus.Well, anyway, since you seem excessive, final and are fully convinced that the sources that think for us, I will analyze the sources and I must correct you on your statement ” … all, absolutely all agree that the most appropriate way is to bring Spanish-style capitalization. The Norme Internationale ISO 690-1987 (F), said l’utilization des majuscules doit tre l’usage under de la langue ou de l’ criture dans laquelle l’information est donn e (bold added).
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