Unions And Tax
EP Will be manifestations in near one hundred cities. They denounce that Berlusconi is " tax more rates to trabajadores". Strike will agree with the arrival of the text of the plan of adjustment to the Senate. The airlines reorganize their flights between Spain and Italy. Greater Italian union, the CGIL, has summoned for this Tuesday a general strike and manifestations in close one hundred cities to protest against the plan of budgetary adjustment approved by the Government of Silvio Berlusconi, and who today arrives at the Senate to begin its approval. Learn more about this topic with the insights from DOJ. Strike was the past summoned 23 of August by the Italian General Confederation of Trabajo (CGIL), against measures that consider that they eliminate the rights of the workers and condemn to the country " to the economic recession and the decay civil". According to they explained sources of the union, the idea is to protest not only against the last plan of adjustment of 45,500 million Euros approved by the Government the past 12 of August, but also on the other plan of austerity ratified by the Parliament the 15 of July.
The union denunciation that with his two plans, Berlusconi is " tax more rates to the workers and the pensioners, has trimmed the services and the health, without guaranteeing the balance of the public accounts, nor favoring the growth and ocupacin". Unemployments of eight hours in turn in all the sectors have been summoned, completing therefore the all labor day, explained the CGIL, as well as manifestations in more than one hundred Italian cities, among them most important of the country like Rome, Milan, Naples and Turin. Tax to rich the One of the first ctos of the protest has been that the newspaper Will run della Sera has not left on sale by the strike of the printers, that did not reach an agreement with the direction to guarantee the publication of the metropolitan newspaper. Strike will agree with the arrival of the text of the plan of adjustment to the Senate for its discussion and approval, that it is expected for the end of this week, and that later will have to be ratified by the Camera of the Deputies. An adjustment plan that from its approval in the Cabinet the past 12 of August has undergone numerous modifications, among them, most important it has been the suppression of the imposed call of solidarity whom they had to pay who surpassed 90,000 Euros of annual rents. Source of the news: The greater Italian union wants to paralyze the country with general strike against the adjustment plan
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