
You want to be healthy and have a great feeling. But do not know how to do it. Then read this article. In it you'll know why you're sick and you need to do to istseleniya.Chasto so happens, that many diseases are hard treatable. They become chronic.

And whatever you do, full recovery does not come. And there are only short-term improvement. Why is this happening? Because you treat the disease rather than its prichinu.Psihologi has long been established that in most cases, each disease is associated with certain thoughts and emotions. For example, the cause of constipation – it's greed and attachment to the past. A heart playing tricks on excessive feelings of guilt.

And in order to stop having problems with the chair should learn to easily let go my past, and become more generous person. And to heal the heart – to get rid of the guilt and to establish the rhythm of life. So the first thing you should do – is to find the psychological causes of his illness. There are many authors who provide a complete description of diseases and their causes. The more famous of them – this is Louise Hay, B. and B. Zhikarentsev Sinelnikov. Read their books, or visit our website for more informatsiey.Kogda you decide to negative thoughts that trigger your disease, you need to change old beliefs with new ones. In this case you Affirmations can help. What are affirmations? This is a positive attitude, which are programming your mind for healing and new way of perceiving the surrounding deystvitelnosti.Esli take heart problems, your new idea would read as follows: "My heart beats to the rhythm of love and harmony." And also, "I break from the burden of guilt. Now I know that guilt does not exist, but there are bugs that make me stronger. " Then, when you will make your affirmation, you should pronounce it daily, and as often as possible. Your affirmation must gain power. You have to believe in her and then she helps you on the path to istseleniyu.Krome positive thoughts, I recommend that you use visualization. Think of a healthy person and full of energy. Think of your body healthy. Do this daily until the ailments do not retreat in storonu.Pomimo implementation of these effective techniques, you need to BELIEVE in MY HEALING. Belief in yourself is the foundation. Without it, you will not get the expected results. Without it, all your actions – it is a waste of time. Realize that each person chooses what he believes. And you, too. And if you believe in the disease, you'll get sick. And if you believe in healing, then you will become healthier.

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