Severe General
The participants had to an unmet fertility for more than two years have at least two pathological Spermiogramme that had not improved by conventional therapy, and at least since more 3 months no hormone therapy. Severe General diseases were not available. A new Spermiogram was evaluated every three months. Main variables were Sperm density and Propulsiv motility. The movement (motility) is divided into three categories: progressive motility (PR) = progressive mobility non-progressive motility (NP) = only local mobility, immotile no mobility = district float is microscopically carried out the investigation.
A rapid forward movement (PR) occurs when the sperm travels at least 25 micrometers per second at 37 C or at least 20 micrometres per second at 20 C. A non progressive, local mobility exists if the distance travelled is less than 5 microns per second. “The movement is classified as normal, if is more than 25% of sperm that is progressive, or at least 40% (38-42) progressive (category RP + NP) move.” wikipedia Remedy was prescribed after a comprehensive homeopathic initial consultation. Over the course of the study the Spermiogramme developed positively, with the size of the success greatly depended on the lifestyle. do not smoke no alcohol no Amalgam no harmful environmental influences. The treatment lasted on average 10 months.
40% of the partners had also has fertility problems, which certainly impacted the success rate. Just 18% resulted in pregnancies, 11% had children. It can be from both studies say is that, under certain conditions, a homeopathic treatment is useful even if conventional therapy brought no success. Before beginning a homeopathic treatment, you should check whether there is an organic cause like bonded fallopian tubes at the doctor’s Office. Here the border of homeopathic treatment would be reached but the modern reproductive medicine can help anyway good. To conventional therapy, a homeopathic therapy to support general health and a strengthening of mental health can take place however.
Tags: health, medicine & surgery
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