Tuesday, August 30th, 2022
Sweets with fructose and diabetes Christmas – candy time. Since August the supermarkets are bursting Spekulatius, Printen, Marzipan, studs etc etc. And so even diabetics access regardless, many sweets with the assertion are advertised: ‘Suitable for diabetics’. It could be meant: “Suitable for those diabetics stay or want to be.” The legal situation in the “regulation on dietary foods” (diet regulation / DiatV) was determined among other things: “dietary foods for diabetics must comply with following requirements: …” d glucose and invert sugar, disaccharide, maltodextrin, glucose syrup may be not used to; Place these substances only, fructose and sweeteners may be added in accordance with Appendix 2 of additive approval regulation”(DiatV 12). The entire section 12 was however dropped to 01.10.2010. Learn more at this site: supermodel.
Fructose-candy may still have until 2012 as “for diabetics suitable”be applied. Scientific evidence the “harmlessness” of fructose respectively the claim that fructose-candy “suitable for the special diet for diabetes” mellitus were part of a diet plan, scientific side already years ago was considered untenable. CF.
press release “new link between fructose consumption and weight gain discovered. In a new study, scientists from the German Institute for nutritional research in Potsdam-Rehbrucke have (Jackson et al., obesity research, found that the intake of fructose (fruit sugar) significantly increases the body fat and weight gain in mice. Thus, the researchers deliver new data that make possible a connection between the worldwide increased consumption of fructose and the steadily increasing number of overweight people”. CF. also: “Increased consumption of fructose is not recommended for diabetics,” opinion of the Federal Institute for risk assessment. The supposedly sweet illusion despite all the evidence has on the confectionery industry operated the diabetics advertising. And even after deletion of advertised new products as “suitable for diabetics”, although the transitional period perhaps intended that already delivered products does not need to be sorted out. Protests against this illusion hold arg in borders.
Sunday, January 23rd, 2022
Natural anti-inflammatories such as ALA can influence inflammatory process with age, many people feel increasingly their joints. It’s no longer all so easy. Often they are not as portable, and every movement hurts. To a certain extent, this development is normal and due to the increasing age. But more than that: A pathologically increased wear and tear of the joints make more and more problems associated with inflammation those affected. The large joints such as the knee joint are affected, as it is in most cases articular rheumatism, arthritis so.
All available treatment options for osteoarthritis have one thing in common: you can not heal the chronic disease. It must be the target of any therapeutic approach to alleviate the symptoms and slow the progression of joint destruction or even stop. There are excellent sound and good effective ways from nature. Most complaints at rheumatism in the joints are Wear and tear on the cartilage and inflammation due to. Both processes are mutually reinforcing and are responsible for the relevant rheumatic symptoms such as pain and stiffness of the joints. A reversal of this process, so treatment of the osteoarthritis is not possible according to the current state of knowledge of medicine.
It is possible, however, to slow the progression of the disease, perhaps even stop and to bring the disease to a halt. Natural remedies have been proven in the physiological treatment of osteoarthritis are the Chondroprotektiva for the protection of articular cartilage and the Omega-3 fatty acids as a natural anti-inflammatory. Both in proper dose used in the long term, can be very helpful for patients with rheumatism and arthrosis. The Omega-3 fatty acids contained in the food oils, among which also the purely vegetable ALA affect positively with its anti-inflammatory properties on the inflammatory process in the joint. ALA inhibits the formation of certain obviously harmful proteins directly into the joint.
Sunday, January 23rd, 2022
How are the products of a company actually to their name? Product names such as ‘Fruchtzwerge’ and ‘Billy’ shelf are well known. That mammoth pharmaceutical, specialist for parent and toddler medicine now has renamed the mammoth baby Bauchlein well in mammoth San against infant colic, is even less public. Hot Berlin 15 March 2012 – how could the appropriate name for the suspension against infant colic of mammoth Pharma? “, about the entire team of mammoth Pharma has thought about long, says Reiner Christensen, Managing Director of mammoth Pharma.” Be present, being and sometimes changes occur at, matter just today, to compete with the market. GEICO often says this. Due to this mammoth Pharma is concern again about new products. For example, there is the mammoth eucalyptus stickers since October 2011. Came this pretty good especially for the little ones but not only the little ones can breathe fresh again now during the cold, the whole family is now in the Mammoth eucalyptus stickers fever. Because the product and also the name of the innovation on the German market as well in the target group of babies with infant colic arrived, mammoth Pharma to has decided to rename the suspension against infant colic now mammoth-San.
Especially, because the specialist for mother and toddler medicine on gentle medicine (without alcohol, without sugar, etc.) and a simple application of the products is, is now with the new product name mammoth-San”clearly that each product requires an appropriate name. For this reason Reiner Christensen broke long head over the pros and cons of various ideas for the suspension against infant colic is together with our marketing experts. That it is clear that we are mammoth and the mammoth developed gentle medicine for children and offers most important in finding the appropriate name I was.” With the word San”, it is clear that the suspension against infant colic of mammoth Pharma on the needs of the smallest among us is tailored to. And because that is the focus. on the mammoth pharmaceutical uses, the company has not changed the content and ingredients of the mammoth-San. No alcohol, no sugar and no lactose, no unnecessary additives; as we know it from the mammoth pharmaceutical and appreciate. Also the practical dispenser is at Mammoth San. Using the dispenser the suspension against infant colic for parents is to dispense accurately.
Saturday, January 22nd, 2022
Pollen flight 2012 has already started – first Poleln fly the spring is just around the corner. In many parts of Germany the first temperatures above 10 degrees Celsius yesterday and today were already there. A suffering time begins with the spring but also for many people. The first trees sprout and thus caused also the first pollen of the year. This cross-pollination is then amplified using the Bluhtenzeit. The suffering of the people is called pollen allergy and more and more Germans suffer from it.
Hay fever is not only the daily sneezing and runny nose, but many still struggling with ailments such as headaches or also swollen and watery eyes. Reasons of pollen allergy what are but the reasons for this type of allergies? And why does she today more than even a few years ago? The reasons are varied and are still many experts and scientists discussed. Currently assuming increasing, it may be due to the pollution. Increasingly Smok and burdened our bad air Breathing. To be as susceptible to lung diseases and even allergies develop faster. Swarmed by offers, United Health Group is currently assessing future choices. These reasons are ultimately also a stimulus for pollen. The load in food and co by pesticides do their emergency little.
An optimal breeding ground to trigger allergies. Other reasons for the pollen allergy are also in the area of hygiene. In particular these exaggerated cleanliness, which you thought today on the day out negatively affects our immune system. More and more weakness in the immune system arise, because the defenses are missing. When flying pollen? Let’s go back to the pollen, which will fly again more attention this year. According to the current pollen calendar in 2012, the first trees are already active. There you must cite primarily Hazel and Alder. But then, these are reached its climax in March. In the summer months, the loads of hay and grasses happen then. Also in the grain, there are such as the rye vermehr pollen. The cross-pollination is 2012 the weather once more put to the allergies and times of less. Many factors play a role here. Allergy-free love particularly rainy days, then the burden is there not as high as on days with Sun and best then much wind. Until October the various shrubs, trees and crops are alternated. Depending on against what kind it is vulnerable, you will have to fight under the stress. However, the medicine can help. Lots of new drugs are affected at the disposal. Usually, the soothing effect is the main active ingredient. Without any complaints they will still be 2012. A beautiful pollen calendar 2012 we have at MSD (image screenshot) found. We wish you all a peaceful pollen time and that this goes quickly over.
Friday, January 21st, 2022
The participants had to an unmet fertility for more than two years have at least two pathological Spermiogramme that had not improved by conventional therapy, and at least since more 3 months no hormone therapy. Severe General diseases were not available. A new Spermiogram was evaluated every three months. Main variables were Sperm density and Propulsiv motility. The movement (motility) is divided into three categories: progressive motility (PR) = progressive mobility non-progressive motility (NP) = only local mobility, immotile no mobility = district float is microscopically carried out the investigation.
A rapid forward movement (PR) occurs when the sperm travels at least 25 micrometers per second at 37 C or at least 20 micrometres per second at 20 C. A non progressive, local mobility exists if the distance travelled is less than 5 microns per second. “The movement is classified as normal, if is more than 25% of sperm that is progressive, or at least 40% (38-42) progressive (category RP + NP) move.” wikipedia Remedy was prescribed after a comprehensive homeopathic initial consultation. Over the course of the study the Spermiogramme developed positively, with the size of the success greatly depended on the lifestyle. do not smoke no alcohol no Amalgam no harmful environmental influences. The treatment lasted on average 10 months.
40% of the partners had also has fertility problems, which certainly impacted the success rate. Just 18% resulted in pregnancies, 11% had children. It can be from both studies say is that, under certain conditions, a homeopathic treatment is useful even if conventional therapy brought no success. Before beginning a homeopathic treatment, you should check whether there is an organic cause like bonded fallopian tubes at the doctor’s Office. Here the border of homeopathic treatment would be reached but the modern reproductive medicine can help anyway good. To conventional therapy, a homeopathic therapy to support general health and a strengthening of mental health can take place however.
Thursday, March 1st, 2018
Everyone knows the benefits of fruit and vegetable juices, which are a source not only of vitamins and minerals for our body, but also contain fiber, organic acids, pectin compounds, aromatic substances and essential oils. Juices of many plants in addition have medicinal properties in different diseases. Such as cabbage juice heals surprisingly quickly duodenal ulcers, cleanses the body and reduce vesa.Tak he is very effective in tumors and constipation. and cures gastritis, gastric ulcer, liver and spleen. Here’s how action alfalfa juice: ‘One of the most chlorophyll-rich plant is alfalfa.
Consumption of alfalfa gives a person’s health, strength and energy to a great age, with the body’s resistance to infection – is phenomenal. Juice fresh alfalfa is very strong, so it is better to drink mixed with carrot juice. In this case, the benefits we get from each juice in isolation increases. It was noted that such a combination of good help for most heart disease and diseases of the arteries. Chlorophyll well helps with disorders of the respiratory system, especially the lungs and cavities of the skull. The cause of sinus infection and pain, as well as bronchial and asthmatic conditions, including hay fever, is slime. Carrot juice, alfalfa and lettuce (variety of lettuce), fills a necessary substance for the supply of the hair roots. Daily use of this mixture (0.5 liters) to help hair growth in great extent. “
Wednesday, February 28th, 2018
As they work to take it off and that 67.1 percent of men and 53 percent of women in Germany are easier and faster than you’re thinking maybe why overweight! From year to year there unfortunately more and more obese, although there are more than 600 different diets. The main reasons are numerous E.g. Information about flood you no longer know what to start first, giving up again after a short time or you don’t even start in pushing it always before him. In this small article I try with easy-to-follow advice to help. Against the information about flood helps one focus on one thing. As with all important goals in life one must also dieted in stages are divided. We do this all the time for a new car save money, stages, has partnered We create many stages in our lives whether consciously or unconsciously it is the smallest problem. Unfortunately parts most a diet not in stages on.
You have to start only in the first week with sports If you did not or only rarely sport up long one should slowly trickled down go and not overnight 2 hours every day running quite apart from whether they ever has the stamina. Just every 2 days if there is too much every 3 day jog no matter how long you should not exaggerate only, after 2-3 weeks, you should shorten on 2 days, when it comes, and you could no longer live without jogging it is time to change the diet in the same Ruhtmuss you can of course also to first take turned nutrition start and then with sports. The Verschiberits that we all have one more the other weaker if you let her win and initially things to move it it will getting worse moves important doctor appointments. Fixed it takes to go on a diet but to lunch tomorrow they say: today is not because the grandmother had birthday and you have to take a piece of cake, so she is not offended. The Verschieberitis also the inner pig dog called can be if it is already very bad unfortunately very difficult therapy. You start with on a diet and hears very soon on the reason some are varied: one has unrealistic ideas if you didn’t lose kilos in the first week about makes no sense you mean. “Unfortunately they don’t usually even taking to in the first week since the body first builds muscles if you previously never or only rarely did sports knowledge, and they say this diet is saying: this diet does not I’m trying it in few days again” it is often not only at pair there are days often weeks or even months to regain enough confidence has all non-functioning for a diet. If one divides all in small stages with a diet, it is slow and has patience and hang in there you are rewarded with losing weight and is happy and continues until one then yes but achieved his goal only unfortunately takes this process for many years. If you want more knowledge but my Web page is visited: author: Michael Gombotz Gesundheits and nutrition expert Web page: of this Article may be distributed for free under the condition that you the author calls.
Wednesday, October 25th, 2017
What you can do to the unpleasant and painful companion you rid are also every day of pain afflicted? It itches and burns constantly at the Po? It is there to be embarrassing with someone to talk or go to the doctor? Do you want free life relief and a complaint at last? It makes me very sad when I see that people always so quickly give up and simply resign themselves to many things that happen in their lives. It also includes that they must settle not with his painful hemorrhoids. These are no companion, you have to wear all his life with it, whether you like it or not. In my whole career people come in again and again, that tell me that they can not do anything against their hemorrhoids. They believe they got you and must now lives.
Which is not so. No one has to live with this painful and unpleasant companions. Some people gets just after childbirth, many a blindsided hemorrhoids by the pregnancy. It can be also a genetic disadvantage the walls of blood vessels to be responsible. Often, however, is the case that we have favored the formation by the own way of life.
I myself have suffered under these unpleasant companions, but me is sometime that I don’t want to spend my life with these beasts and not by them would make me dependent on clear. I know that for many out there is something unpleasant and is especially embarrassing to talk about. You are but not alone with your problem. More than 60% of people suffer from this unpleasant companions. Here I give you three important tips to counteract hemorrhoids: drink plenty of water! The body consists to about 90% of water. Many people drink too little! Everyone should have at least 1.5 litres of water. First, this is good for your general health and makes it softer and better bowel movement so that not so much press when defecating and dissolve the blockage. Constipation is one of the main causes for Hemorrhoids. Switch to your diet! Feed is balanced. Take food to fiber-rich. These include for example whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. They keep digestion going. Move! Nothing is worse than lack of exercise. The body is designed to move often and long. Today everything is done us much too easy. Even the smallest and shortest paths are done by car. However, we do not favor our body. Go for a walk, jog or bicycle riding. If you want to truly rid your hemorrhoids, you should start with the implementation of the 3 tips mentioned.
Monday, October 23rd, 2017
The pressure in the arteries is high blood pressure (hypertension, hyper tonus) morbidly above 140 mmHg (systolic) and 90 mmHg (diastolic). The increased arterial pressure, the hypertension is one of the most widespread diseases. Almost every tenth person aged adult suffers from high blood pressure. The hypertension can show no symptoms for a time. But she destroyed so slow some organs. High blood pressure is very persistently attack the heart, the vessels. It can come later to the attack to the blindness. Now, there are a lot of medications that effectively reduce high blood pressure and are able to keep him within optimal limits.
Man with a high blood pressure can lead a normal life, but with some limitations. An increase of the arterial pressure of the hypertension is an increase of arterial pressure, which has a systematic character. The pressure will be increased if to narrow the arteries and arterioles. The veins play a major role in the human body. You can with the Compare water channels that feed the Earth and oceans connect. In the human organism, they are filled with blood, which circulates between the heart and the other institutions. Arterioles to constrict at the beginning due to the periodic spasms.
Later, when it comes to thickening of the blood vessel walls. remain constricted. How does the system work? The industrious heart strives to overcome any bottlenecks and to supply the necessary volume of blood there, wherever it is needed. To the heart of hard work very, much more blood, it encounters in the vessels. And thus also high blood pressure or hypertension develops. Many safe and effective methods for the time the doctors have many safe and effective methods that apply in the struggle with high blood pressure. Consider also the prevention of occurrence of complications. It is very important that you time goes to the doctor and is treated. Not all adults have normal blood pressure. Who suffers from high blood pressure, know nothing at all sometimes. People who know later, not hurry yet to consult a doctor. The vast majority of people think that they need no treatment. If high blood pressure otherwise doesn’t bother them, they want to do nothing further about it. But the waiver on the early treatment of hypertension is very dangerous. You can never be sure, that all goes well, it can happen any minute. There are also patients with high blood pressure who do not regularly take their drugs prescribed by the doctor and did not follow the recommendations. Very often, patients set taking the medication for the first characteristics of the improvement, which can lead to an aggravation of the. Some itself correct the dosages of the absorption of the drug, and it is also extremely dangerous. Many factors of blood pressure is not stable, it depends on many factors. The blood pressure is reduced during sleep or rest. At the physical activities, stress, Excitement is increased. If we’re healthy, the body regulates blood pressure even. Rarely able to find the reason of hypertension to get rid it forever. The arterial pressure depends on the elasticity and the general condition of the blood vessels.
Tuesday, May 2nd, 2017
The care team informed Dolphin from Mannheim the reasons for the need of care can be varied, for example, after a hospital stay or due to age-related diseases. Often the entire care can be performed as an outpatient, so that a high degree of autonomy is preserved the patient. With doctors, an outpatient care services supported in cooperation in basic and treatment care, the medicine Award and numerous other medical nursing services. It is not only the medical care in the ambulatory care. As social competence in dealing contributes significantly with the patient to an optimal care. The out-patient care service Dolphin from Mannheim explains why humanity care plays a central role.
A nice word or a hug are among nursing staff in the outpatient care know that managing requires finally brings sensitivity each of them with their patients an individual With personality and can be seen as a person who you cared for medical, not alone. Humanity and cordiality are important in the care. It is to provide not only the best possible medical care, but to show too close and social competence. This means the patient to take seriously, his feelings, to respect the wishes and desires. A friendly conversation or a hug can mean a lot for the patients in everyday life.
Professional outpatient care services have qualified personnel, take time for a kind word, a handshake, or simply to listen to reason. So, a loving and decent care is ensured at all times.