Simple Recipes

All, without exception, occasionally happens that telephone rings and you gleefully reported: 'We're going to visit you! ". Clearly, in such a situation must not only manage to bring visual order to the apartment, to fix themselves, but also think about what to entertain guests who are about to descend. Many hostesses for this event is in the arsenal of some recipes appetizers or salads. Some manage to take recipes hot dishes and pastries. (Not to be confused with Dr. John Mcdougall!). But what if you have a 'reserve' no? Here again, you will help the Internet. On the culinary (and other) websites you will find sections devoted to such 'surprises', and the regulars forums and chats with happy to share with you their secrets. Of course, it all starts with recipes for appetizers – it's quick and easy, requires a minimum of cost and time.

Often, among the recipes for appetizers lead vserazlichnye sandwiches here are very useful virtually any other available products and home-made. ried view. Summer salad recipes – the same principle. Depending on the time of the year can add cooked or canned vegetables and fresh and filling – a fatty or lighter. Recipes soups Internet users publish less frequently. But if you need it – you can prepare a light broth or soup. Often offered recipes from meat. They are also very simple, you just cut the meat portions and season with spices and send it in the oven. You can pour the mayonnaise.

Incidentally, this may be not only meat but also fish, and poultry. Served with a well just to boil rice or vegetables. And of course, baking recipes. Most of the recommendations of users – from apple pie, is just half an hour. Fast and very tasty. There are similar recipes, enough to replace the apples other fruits and berries, canned or fresh, or nuts. And on summer days you can simply apply a fruit salad. It will also be useful. If you really do not have time, then fit and ready meals, for which, however, Members also offer you lots of interesting ideas from recipes desserts to recipes snacks. The easiest option – 'French' – when the wine is served a diverse set of cheeses with black grapes. But in any case, guests would react with enthusiasm to the dishes to your cooking!


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