Student Center
When orders are reasonable, fair, simple, clear and consistent, there is a reciprocal satisfaction between the leader and the group. Sun Tzu introduction is extremely worrying the Venezuelan political reality and everything related to the absence of leadership, in all aspects: political, social, cultural, managerial, educational, among others, but above all in politics, where needs an opposition that is able to give way to the transformations required to move forward to a countrythat for many years has been him stalled by absence, not only of leaders who can generate the transformations that are required, but because of the lack of plans, integrated actions possible to glimpse the transformations to take place and which involves both a country who knows how to exploit their riches, are expected to what, gerenciarlas properly, lead to a development that for years is reclaimed and that guarantees to Venezuelan a quality of righteous life according to the realities of the present. Basic considerations, General approaching year (2012) in where a Government that present plans, transformations that are required to prosecute Venezuela to a productive development, more according, less divided than the current reality, where there is much uncertainty, risk, uncertainty, weaknesses in its economy, its productivity, participation in international markets, education and health among other topics will be chosen. Seriously, concerned a lack of an integrated, coherent opposition leadership that present a feasible course that supported programs, integrated actions, ensuring transformations that involve to Venezuela to a less turbulent than the present scenario. New faces, new characters with their own ideas, not anchored to partisan commitments of the past is required. Precisely, to the sad reality of this absence of leadership, the specialty program of management of the quality and productivity of the postgraduate Area, Faces, of the University of Carabobo has been discussing all matters concerning this topic in forums organized to assess how leadership manifests itself in the country, the why its weaknesses and absence, as well as the lack of attention to step to defend this figure needed today more than ever and more to a current Government which known to not have opponents that might impede its functioningdeal with them as it should be should be noted, that the crisis of leadership in Venezuela can be cause by many factors, among which some participants of the Forum: for example that there are no leaders capable of motivating the masses, as in the academic field that is concerned, in where you can see as the Student Center said student leader assumes a leadership that are still little, the majority of students do not believe in the leadership that they say they have, because we know corruption and mediocrity that reigns in this environment, despite the fact that seeks new leaders emerging political circumstances of the moment, taking advantage of the opening but that Unfortunately they are not prepared in this regard.
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