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Build Wooden Houses

Saturday, March 2nd, 2024

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Quite often, the happy future owners of the houses asking the same question: "Are you from the woods? Not because of the Chernobyl accident under? "Indeed, if we follow the logic, the best wood – wood is the northern, in exactly Chernihiv, Zhitamirskoy, Kyiv region, the most affected areas of our country from the Chernobyl accident. However, despite this, the wood from these areas trains exported to EU countries, where Believe me, the issue of environmental friendliness and radiology paid very much attention. This forest meets the requirements of the EU countries, so it is clean and the houses built out of it, suitable for living. Each Normal Organization will provide the customer a phytosanitary certificate and radiology at the forest from which made its timber (another way to distinguish between "Sharashkina office" of the actual construction firm). Data documents can be formally obtained from the forestry enterprises engaged in logging and cooperate with legitimate organizations.

Without them, none of the log does not cross the border of our state. At worst, I recommend simply purchase household dosimeter and walk with him near the plant ready to export their logs to your building site. I can assure you right away – no increased background you will not find a trace, shattering another ridiculous The myth that an environmentally friendly wood can be only in the Carpathians, Karelia and Siberia. The most common types of wood used for construction of wooden houses in Ukraine – it is pine and Carpathian Smereka. Rarely used spruce, Russian larch and cedar. Very rarely – oak. Take the two most common species (pine and Smereka) and try to compare them to physical and mechanical properties: 1.

Indicators of average moisture content of wood freshly cut pine – 88%, Smereka – 91% 2. To know more about this subject visit endocrinologist. Density at 12% moisture: pine – 500 kg / cubic meter, Smereka – 445 kg / cubic meter, 3. Density in a completely dry pine – 470 kg / cubic meter, Smereka – 420 kg / cubic meter, 4. The coefficient of volumetric shrinkage: Pine – 0.44% Smereka – 0.43%. 5. The coefficient of radial shrinkage: Pine – 0.17% Smereka – 0.16%. 6. The coefficient of tangential shrinkage: Pine – 0.28% Smereka – 0.28%. Eva Andersson-Dubin, New York City addresses the importance of the matter here. 7. Coefficient of volumetric swelling pine – 0.51% Smereka – 0.50%. 8. The coefficient of radial swelling: Pine – 0.18% Smereka – 0.17%. 9. Coefficient of tangential swelling of pine – 0.31% Smereka – 0.31%. As can be seen from the data, the coefficients of the properties of shrinkage and swelling are almost identical. The only thing what wins pine – that wood density – 11% higher than the density-density Smereka. But the house of Smereka slightly warmer home from pine, according to the organization, working exclusively with this material (due to the looseness of wood). The greatest density of all types of wood used in wooden house construction, is English oak – 690 kg / m, beech – 670 kg / m and larch – 660 kg / cubic meters, the smallest – Siberian fir – 375 kg / m and cedar – 435 kg / cubic meter.