
Lourdes is the aunt Lourdes for my youngest son. And Mariana, Mariana aunt, for my youngest son. And Carolina, my friend Caro, isn’t Caro for him, but the aunt Caro. And Claudia, is my neighbour, nor my friend, for him, is aunt Claudia and her husband Uncle Rony. But he has very clear, that they are Hairpieces.

Because they actually already have nephews and a few. At kenneth brander you will find additional information. But the question that my son became of mouth by his uncles. That you invite to view TV. That you invite him to eat goodies. That it challenged him when they have to challenge. Aunt Lourdes, aunt Mariana, and aunt Claudia challenged it, when they know that they should do it. And Caro aunt and uncle Rony, malcrian it.

Like her godmother and Godfather, who are my best friends for life, but for him, are his godparents. Aunt Lourdes, insists him to eat him having to put the two arms above the table, because he is polite, also eats better and more comfortable. You have to eat all the food, so it grows strong and healthy. But also, like me, ever, worry because their orejitas do not take cold and gave her the hat canchero re, that my son uses. Mariana teaches that it is cute to greet giving a kiss and it’s nice to announce another one arrives with a Hello and a chuik by cheek but also is that avoids that when he has to go with your MOM to work because another does not, he is bored. Because it manufactures a tailor-made and cardboard car out of the imagination of his galley. Takes you from the hand to the bookstore to buy pinturitas and cardboard, to make formula one, that all breast and her coworkers strive to leave as a replica of a car race, which like so much. Is not the super mega auto electronic that many children have and others would like to have.


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