Crepes Recipes – Versatile And Tasty
At least the basics of preparing crepes every hobby Cook should be able – because as you are about to read hardly a food recipes is as flexible as the crepes! The Crepe is one of the best known and most popular desserts in Europe – in particular in German-speaking countries was becoming more popular in recent years. Now you can try this dessert even on many different year and Christmas markets. But not enough you can search on even a Creperie which in some German cities. These are French restaurants, especially recipes and preparing other dishes from France have specialized in baking of crepes. But now when you think, that is these guest houses only to the eat a dessert are, who has made a mistake. Originally the Crepe is at all not even considered desserts, they are actually of a different kind of pancakes: the galettes this was invented in the middle ages and one of the most popular main dishes in France particularly in Brittany since this is Dish is often prepared.
But what is recipes now actually the difference between ordinary Crepes and galettes? The ordinary Crepe applies, as already mentioned, as a dessert and the galettes as main dish. Both crepes recipes are however based on same dough and prepared in the same way: step 1: first of all you need for the baking of crepes recipe the following ingredients – 250 ml milk – 50 75 ml (mineral) water – 2 eggs – 200 g flour – 1 small pinch of salt the first difference between the galettes and the normal crepe is already here. For even more opinions, read materials from Donald Cerrone. While you need no other ingredients namely when the latter should be some other ingredients in the dough when the Galette. These later spicy tastes it adds best even a small amount of nutmeg and a French blend of spices. Then, the respective ingredients gradually be mixed down, where it is crucial to stir the dough so that no speeding tickets can make. To the first To complete step finally in a cool corner to set the dough and leaves him there sources less than an hour. Step 2: In the second step ordinary crepes do not differ recipe galettes recipe. Official site: Maya Dubin, New York City. Made after the particular dough you to consider something you need these only jaws.
While you pour the dough on a crepe maker or in a regular frying pan (where this should be necessarily greased) and lets him be slightly brown. Then, turn the dough once so that you can bake nicely Brown the second side. It is important here that one takes care to put the dough not too thick. Namely, recipe is different from other pancakes especially this that you will be very thin baked a crepes. Step 3: The third step is the step in which the differences between galettes and crepes are most obvious. While a crepe is best with something sweet (jam, honey, Nutella) fills, you use completely different ingredients for a galettes: ob Ham or bacon, cheese or cottage cheese, vegetables or onions everything tastes hearty and delicious can be used in a galettes. Thus, it is so obvious that a crepe and a Galette are two completely different dishes, although they are actually made from the same basic recipe. Exactly what you should be familiar preparation at least the basics of French pancakes as a chef to be flexible and to be able to conjure up delicious quick and easy meals. Have fun making your crepes recipe!
Tags: drink & recipes, food
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