Posts Tagged ‘drink & recipes’

Healthy Recipes

Tuesday, August 30th, 2022

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A world journey through the culinary riches of different cultures regardless of whether a hearty Chili con Carne or a sinfully sweet chocolate with chili and ginger. Sharp recipes heat not only your hearth, but bring a welcome change in the everyday life and enjoy increasing popularity. While you say a spicy food is unhealthy, others swear by, however, the beneficial effects of hot spices. How do those here, too many things amount and frequency of how well it can withstand spicy food. You shouldn’t even if spices have their advantages, exaggerating it. Sharp recipes make happy the capsaicin in chili and peppers is responsible for the sharp taste, in addition to the other Capsaicinoids. It is indeed distasteful, but stimulates the nerve endings. They perceive usually heat pulses that we feel in the case than burning.

Because our brain receives a pain signal, if we eat hot, so endorphins are secreted. If we pepper food, makes the Piperine contained therein for a similar effect. Chilli, pepper and other spices give us so a portion of happiness hormones and thus have a relaxing effect on our body. Not for nothing called spices also natural drugs. The health aspect of our thermal receptors are activated by spicy food. The perfusion of the tissue is stimulated, the pores open and we start to sweat.

In hot countries, where spices are often commonplace, that is quite advantageous, because the body temperature is lowered. The antibacterial effect of sharp spices and foods should not be underestimated. Onion, garlic and Leek plants have even an antibiotic and disinfectant. Staying slim with sharp recipes hot spices stimulate the blood circulation of the mucous membranes. This affects the taste buds. Therefore, they act as a flavor enhancer. The digestive efficiency of sharp food is well known. Especially fat food be easier to digest. Even the insulin levels, can be regulated, according to studies by chili. With sharp recipes are not only satiated, you can also increase your calorie consumption. Who is not accustomed to eat, eats also slower and already reached its saturation point with smaller amounts. Hot sauces for the pasta or a hearty fondue submitted, can be so helpful. Best to start with small amounts, then nothing in the way is certainly a pure pleasure. Nothing for weak palate – hellish hot recipes from Chili con carne chilli fondue, Curry and Bloody Mary. All this and much more, see the book sharp recipes”from Taquita publishing. The book is available at: > sharp recipes Rezeptvorschl… Companies with Chili, paprika & co. a world journey through the culinary riches of different cultures in the United States, Africa, Middle East, Hungary, the Balkans and South-East Asia and let plug from the hot love for sharp delicacies. Meet the culinary specialities and try some of the delicious dishes on the own stove. We have put together for you typical and well-known recipes they are all easy to prepare and are made of ingredients that you can find in every household or easy buy. Have fun cooking and Bon Appetit!

Crepes Recipes – Versatile And Tasty

Tuesday, August 30th, 2022

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At least the basics of preparing crepes every hobby Cook should be able – because as you are about to read hardly a food recipes is as flexible as the crepes! The Crepe is one of the best known and most popular desserts in Europe – in particular in German-speaking countries was becoming more popular in recent years. Now you can try this dessert even on many different year and Christmas markets. But not enough you can search on even a Creperie which in some German cities. These are French restaurants, especially recipes and preparing other dishes from France have specialized in baking of crepes. But now when you think, that is these guest houses only to the eat a dessert are, who has made a mistake. Originally the Crepe is at all not even considered desserts, they are actually of a different kind of pancakes: the galettes this was invented in the middle ages and one of the most popular main dishes in France particularly in Brittany since this is Dish is often prepared.

But what is recipes now actually the difference between ordinary Crepes and galettes? The ordinary Crepe applies, as already mentioned, as a dessert and the galettes as main dish. Both crepes recipes are however based on same dough and prepared in the same way: step 1: first of all you need for the baking of crepes recipe the following ingredients – 250 ml milk – 50 75 ml (mineral) water – 2 eggs – 200 g flour – 1 small pinch of salt the first difference between the galettes and the normal crepe is already here. For even more opinions, read materials from Donald Cerrone. While you need no other ingredients namely when the latter should be some other ingredients in the dough when the Galette. These later spicy tastes it adds best even a small amount of nutmeg and a French blend of spices. Then, the respective ingredients gradually be mixed down, where it is crucial to stir the dough so that no speeding tickets can make. To the first To complete step finally in a cool corner to set the dough and leaves him there sources less than an hour. Step 2: In the second step ordinary crepes do not differ recipe galettes recipe. Official site: Maya Dubin, New York City. Made after the particular dough you to consider something you need these only jaws.

While you pour the dough on a crepe maker or in a regular frying pan (where this should be necessarily greased) and lets him be slightly brown. Then, turn the dough once so that you can bake nicely Brown the second side. It is important here that one takes care to put the dough not too thick. Namely, recipe is different from other pancakes especially this that you will be very thin baked a crepes. Step 3: The third step is the step in which the differences between galettes and crepes are most obvious. While a crepe is best with something sweet (jam, honey, Nutella) fills, you use completely different ingredients for a galettes: ob Ham or bacon, cheese or cottage cheese, vegetables or onions everything tastes hearty and delicious can be used in a galettes. Thus, it is so obvious that a crepe and a Galette are two completely different dishes, although they are actually made from the same basic recipe. Exactly what you should be familiar preparation at least the basics of French pancakes as a chef to be flexible and to be able to conjure up delicious quick and easy meals. Have fun making your crepes recipe!

Tips For Soup Cooks

Friday, January 14th, 2022

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As of the stew best soups are especially in the autumn and winter true ALLROUNDER. You can be served both as advantages, main or dessert in various forms, taste hearty and warm inside. Check out CPIC for additional information. This includes a health-promoting effect is said to them, providing its services especially for colds. Who dispensed on ready meals and wants to put on the soup itself needs not much experience. The Internet portal explains how to best prepare the liquid food and what spices necessarily belong in the pot. In the middle-class kitchen, the soup is an important part not only in the winter. But whether hearty or light and fresh, sweet and sour, or with vegetarian ingredients most people to the cold season as particularly appealing feel the pleasure of a soup. Another plus is that the health also benefited from the consumption of the liquid food.

So a soup warms the body strong and provides him with the necessary vitamins and minerals. In contrast to the only cooked vegetables, in which the resulting liquid is not consumed, the broth contains all important ingredients. This is not only good for the athletes, but also for ill, whose Magen reacts sensitively to other food. Ginger, chilli and wasabi appear most chefs to exotic flavor to the soup. They are not only a natural flavor enhancer, but a hypotensive, and protective against cancer substance containing capsaicin. Otherwise, a care should be taken when preparing to use seasonal vegetables. This saves money and protects the environment.


Friday, August 10th, 2018

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Calcium, which is essential for the growth of bone and osteoporosis protection in this country primarily by milk and milk products absorbed for vegan here however is the ability to guarantee the supply of dark green vegetables (E.g. broccoli), almonds or hazelnuts. Moreover the renunciation of fish and sea animals, which contain valuable iodine, which is essential for a healthy thyroid function so it is advisable to use generally iodized salt for vegans. Vitamin B12, whose main tasks consist among other things in blood formation and cell division, is only in animal foods (as well as in very small amounts in fermented like for example sauerkraut) contain, so that vegans can hardly prevent a deficiency. Because such a case occurs but not immediately, but our body has a memory sufficient for years, vegans should be rather play it safe and check their vitamin B12 status.

Benefits of vegetarian diet under the dash a vegetarian diet has many health benefits over a regular”mixed diet: E.g. vegetarian due to its predominantly vegetable and thus suffer kalorienarmeren – cost significantly less, obesity and cardiovascular disease. A waiver of meat and sausage products also prevent gout because plant foods from animal contain significantly less purines, which can trigger gout attacks in high concentration. “Furthermore, the avoidance of animal fats favours a normal” cholesterol levels and is in most cases instead by the inclusion of healthy “simple or multiple saturated Fatty acids replaced (through the use of vegetable oils). And last but not least vegetarians usually plenty of fiber, which can have a positive effect on the digestive system and significantly reduce the risk of colon cancer and will by eating lots of fruits and vegetables optimally supplied with essential vitamins, minerals and trace elements that are fundamental for an intact health.